Following the comments made by Sega about the Wii's limited appeal, Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter has responded accordingly. Speaking today, Pachter stated, with regards to the fact that most Third Parties have no idea how to properly cater for the new demographic the Wii and DS have attracted, which includes women and older people:
"I think that a lot of people consider the Wii a 'fad', and attribute that conclusion to the type of people who have been attracted to the Wii so far."Sega, of course, has games like Sonic that resonate well with this audience, so I'm not singling them out as having an issue, but it appears to me that these non-traditional consumers baffle most of the publishers.
"As they are unaccustomed to dealing with them this early in the cycle, they have to justify their oversight in not anticipating the strength of the Wii with this group by labelling the group as having no staying power, resulting in the labelling of the Wii as a fad."
As for what Sega Executive Scott Steinberg suggested about developers already reaching the limits in terms of how to use the Wii controller, he said:
"I can't begin to imagine what is on the drawing board for the Wii, but I can say that most developers I've spoken with are extemely excited about the potential for the console... I believe that we've only just scratched the surface."Also, Scott's analysis presupposes that we have seen the last in hardware innovation from Nintendo. I disagree. It's easy to envision a Wii 2 in a couple of years that runs at full HD, and has both a Wii-mote and an analog controller, so that all games can be ported to it.
"If Nintendo were to introduce such a device, it would be fully comparable to the Xbox 360 - perhaps it wouldn't have Blu-ray, so a comparison to the PS3 may be unfair - and would likely have most of the same third party content as the other two devices."
What are your thoughts on this? Are developers just not 'getting' what the new audience wants or is the Wii really reaching its full potential? And would you like to see an upgraded 'Wii SP' in a few years?
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