Nintendo DS News | DS Gets Lumines Clone

By Ben 15.06.2007 15

The popular PSP music game, Lumines, is headed to the DS under a different guise from a different company and with a different name, Luminator. The game is set for release during Q3 this year, and will include watered down versions of the features found in the original PSP game, including different "skins" (15 in total) and 15 "CD quality" songs. The game is coming from German company bhv Software and will be released in the UK under Xider, which is simply the company's English branch.

Not much more info has been released on the game so be sure to stick to C3 when it appears...

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So is there now any reason left to get a PSP? Smilie

PS2-level gaming in your pocket? Smilie

Oni-Ninja said:
PS2-level graphical-quality-and-that's-about-it-gaming in your pocket? Smilie


Don't "fix" my posts, thanks Smilie

Meh lumines is a bit crap to be honest although I was never that fussed on puzzle games, especially tetris clones.

Oni-Ninja said:
Dont fix my posts, thanks Smilie

...mwahahaha! :cooldude:

Blade2t3 said:
Meh lumines is a bit crap to be honest although I was never that fussed on puzzle games, especially tetris clones.

Really? I heard it was brilliant. If you're into puzzle games, of course.

Puyo Pop is the king of puzzles.
Tetris is the granddaddy.

Lumines is however, quite high up after those two.
The combo potential, the rythem and the intensity certainly work well.

Its a bit of a shame to see a clone though.
Guess the company sees a gap in the market, but PSP or not, I hate to see a game "cloned". <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I love Lumines Live, I played it every day for about a month.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

There's been a homebrew clone of Lumines for the GBA for a couple years already, so it's not surprising that a commercial DS version would show up eventually. But at least they could have picked a more different title.

I already have Lumines on my mobile. God I love it...I wouldn't mind buying this. Although why is it from a different company? That could screw things up.

Why can't people clone good puzzle games like Chu-Chu Rocket? Smilie

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Oni-Ninja said:
Blade2t3 said:Meh lumines is a bit crap to be honest although I was never that fussed on puzzle games, especially tetris clones.
Really? I heard it was brilliant. If youre into puzzle games, of course.

Yeah i absolutely hate the stuff so i'm probably not the best person to ask if it's any good.

I am glad that this title has now arrived, it has been long in the coming and should have been released ages ago. [LS]

Never played Lunmines but having liked Meteos, i can't wait to get this.

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