Nintendo News | Fish Tycoon Swims onto DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.06.2007

Majesco have announced a unique fish-breeding simulation game for DS, taking virtual pets on themove with real-time fish antics in virtual aquariums.

The game is a port of an online PC game of the same name, ranking in the top 10 of all 2006 casual games for over 40 straight weeks.

"As its popularity attests, Fish Tycoon is one of those exceptional games with a unique premise that captures and holds your attention. We believe that the game's exclusive DS features and extensive Touch Screen use will ensure the handheld iteration builds upon the PC version's success."
John Merchant, Marketing Manager, Majesco Europe.

"We're excited to introduce this truly unique game to the handheld market. Fish Tycoon is one of those rare games whose appeal transcends platforms, genres, and demographics. It is the perfect choice to be our first game released in the handheld market."
Paul Thelen, CEO of Big Fish Games.

"We feel Majesco is the perfect partner to bring Fish Tycoon to the DS. Their history of unique and successful titles on the DS shows that they have exactly the kind of vision that will make this release a huge success."
Arthur Humphrey, CEO, Last Day of Work.


  • DS-only features: 7 exclusive fish yield nearly twice as many fish types as the PC version (over 750!); all new 3D environments and several new tank decorations.
  • Extensive use of the Touch Screen to breed fish, make purchases and decorate tanks;
  • Simulated real-time experience yields potential surprises every time you turn the game on with 4 speed options to dictate how time passes in game.
  • Set your own prices for specific fish based on prior sales and present needs.
  • Buy fish tanks, decorations, plants, fish eggs, fish food, and medicine to enhance the aesthetic of your tank;
  • Research environment, food, and advertising techniques to discover how to keep your rare fish healthy, feed more fish per feeding and attract additional customers.

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