UK Chart Highlights | Nintendo: Sonic, Zelda, Mario & Wii Play All Storming Up!

By Adam Riley 12.06.2007 3

UK Chart Highlights XCXXXI
...Nintendo: Sonic, Zelda, Mario & Wii Play All Storming Up!

Your weekly UK Chart Round-Up brought to you by stat-man jesusraz. Remember, the images here do not reflect actual sales!

Even more Wii for everyone!

With Nintendo trying to get as many Wii units into the country as possible, clearly new owners are eagerly dashing to the shops to see what is on offer...Therefore, considering there are only a few big games being pushed, like Zelda, Mario Strikers and Sonic and the Secret Rings, this week's outcome should not be too shocking. But the Xbox 360 is always a threat and chart places are being battled for by the DS as well...

Pirates Forza'd to Abandon Ship...

Starting as usual with the All Price Top 40, which features budget games, we see Wii Play benefiting greatly from the increased Wii stock, climbing up one to No.5 (up 14% in sales), whilst Brain Training holds strong at No.8 (can it stick around until the end of the month when its successor hits?) and Cooking Mama on DS slips just two to No.9. Other than that, the only other Nintendo budget game there is Big Brain Academy, boosted by the Touch! Generations advertising lately, lifting it up seven to No.30.

The Full Price Top 40 sees Forza Motorsport 2 on 360 slam home at No.1 and become the third fastest selling 360 game ever, behind Gears of War and Pro Evolution Soccer 6. Tomb Raider holds at No.2, but is only 1,000 units above Pirates of the Caribbean (down two to No.3). Spider-man now finds itself down a spot to No.4, Mario Strikers slides just one to No.5 and Shadowrun on 360 holds at No.6, with Tiger Woods 07 down a spot to No.8. A surprising re-entry into the Top 10 and No.10 is Sonic on Wii, zooming up seven this week, whilst Pony Friends on DS shows good longevity, back up one to No.13, just ahead of New Super Mario Bros. (down one). Zelda Twilight Princess also rebounds strongly, up from No.26 to No.15, but Pok

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It was expected for Forza2 to take first place, but good news Wii Play is selling so well!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Were did Wario pluck from?

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what number is XCXXXI?

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