Nintendo News | No Friend Codes for Madden 08 Online

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.06.2007 15

In a recent interview with Madden 08's associate producer Damian Zerr on IGN, the issue with Nintendo's Wii Friend Codes and online play was questioned with EA Nation personas replacing Nintendo's code system.

IGN Wii: Please go into detail in regards to online multiplayer. What modes can you play? Will it be as robust as, say, the 360 version?

Damian: The online mode this year on Wii will allow two-player Exhibition games which can be ranked or unranked matches. Once you've signed into EA Nation you'll have instant sports scores stream into the lobby and have access to quick play features to jump right into the action. Updated rosters, Leaderboards, EA Locker and EA Messenger are all a part of the online package this year.

IGN Wii: Does Madden support voice chat or any type of online communication? Also, will players need friend codes to hook up, chat, and play?

Damian: Madden Wii does not support voice chat this year. We do have a basic EA Messenger chat service which allows you to keep connected with friends during online play. EA Messenger is separate from the Wii friends list so when you're online you search for people by using their online EA Nation Persona.

IGN Wii: Does the online mode automatically import your system code, or do you need a separate friend code to play Madden online?

Damian: Madden Wii doesn't support the Wii friends system during online play. This is something we're still working on with Nintendo. For now our online play uses your EA Nation Persona to search and manage your EA Messenger account.

Be sure to head on over to IGN for the complete interview.

Box art for Madden NFL 08








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So instead of having to put in a Friend code for this game, I have to set up an 'EA Nation Persona'. Same end result, I have to set up something individually for this game, I cant just use a list of friends I already have.

It'll be to do with EA using their own [crappy] servers (like they do on XBL), in case anyone was wondering. Must be having problems getting permission for some of the integration.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Im with Grumbler on this one. EA servers are bloody terrible on PSN, cant speak for XBL. Theres shit loads of lag no matter how good your connection is and its full of gits.

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nintendo are noobs on how online business should be handled Smilie

I guess it's partly good news, it may mean that 3rd parties will be allowed to do without Friend Codes if they choose. Unless Nintendo are going to force them to use Friend Codes.

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So there is a possibility that at some point soon some games could be released that dont use game specific Friend Codes? Thats great news.
It would be nice if Nintendo done away with Game Codes and allowed developers access to Wii Codes.

I blame the peados. Those Bastards.

EDIT: Damn, I've said the same thing as SuperLink. Thats what happens when you try to post between working.Smilie

( Edited on 12.06.2007 15:50 by the boy who likes to )

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the boy who likes to said:
So there is a possibility that at some point soon some games could be released that dont use game specific Friend Codes? Thats great news.It would be nice if Nintendo done away with Game Codes and allowed developers access to Wii Codes.I blame the peados. Those Bastards.

Mario Strikers 2 uses codes associated with Miis, hopefully other games will use that.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Grumbler, the problem with Mario Strikers is, as you may know already (and so ive heard and should experience for myself once the game drops through the letter box) is that that game uses a whole other new set of Friend Codes.

But I like that idea of having Miis being sent around all the online games whilst waiting to play.
Putting a face to a name.

( Edited on 12.06.2007 16:00 by the boy who likes to )

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You're welcome for the news tip. This is good news, hopefully it will open the way for other third parties. Still a shame about the chat option and stuff though.

the boy who likes to said:
Grumbler, the problem with Mario Strikers is, as you may know already (and so ive heard and should experience for myself once the game drops through the letter box) is that that game uses a whole other new set of Friend Codes.
Still tons better than what the DS does though isn't it?

Doesn't Pok

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This will almost certainly be the case with Fifa 08 too. LS

I am getting Madden 08 on the Wii, it will be far better than the last because they will have rectified those few minor niggles of the last. This game should sell really well, I know many in the U.S have high hopes for the second installment on Wii.

( Edited on 12.06.2007 18:23 by Linkyshinks )

Wait so...if we play someone and we like them we can just add them?? That would be nice...I've played so many good players in Mario Kart DS but I've never been able to play them again.

Why can't they just implement a central service for all games, already? I don't see the point in bothering with all these half-arsed codes and that. Trust me, Wiifolk; when (and probably thirty years time :lolSmilie you've got like ten+ online games on your Wii, you ain't gonna want to keep track of tons of different codes and accounts between all of them.

Nintendo, just copy XBL. I mean, for love of god. Copying XBL doesn't make you bad, and doesn't make you any less of a company. You couldn't possibly do any better than XBL, so just plagiarize it already, and give up your fruitless attempts at 'being different at everything' all the time. You are shit at online, so just swallow your pride and copy the guys who are great at it.

They do have centralised Gamespy servers, it;s just that EA refuse to use them. It's the same with EA games on XBL, except that the EA servers are properly linked up to the microsoft ones. It's basically the same on XBL, except that you have to sign in with an EA account and everything smells a bit like vomit.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I'm just happy that there's no friend codes, really. That satisfies me.

( Edited on 14.06.2007 16:58 by dojo )

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