Nintendo News | New Details of FIFA 08 on Wii

By Adam Riley 09.06.2007 13

Electronic Arts is going at full pace with the development of the new FIFA Soccer 2008 edition for Nintendo's Wii and details have now emerged about how the game will actually play.

To start with, and this will come as sad news for most readers, the game will basically look like a PlayStation 2 title since the engine is being based on the previous generation editions of FIFA 07. However, changes will indeed be in place, such as the default camera will be changed from a scrolling TV effort to more of a top-down NHL Ice Hockey style due to the abundance of Wii controller actions involved feeling strange during a side-on match (like passing the ball left or right by flicking the controller in that direction, for instance).

In terms of shooting and kicking the ball, you must act as if bowling the controller forwards to mimic kicking with your foot. Throw-Ins are dealt with by placing the Wii controller and Nunchuk at either side of your head and throwing downwards, like in real life and slide challenges are also mapped to controller flicking.

Finally, other than the addition of Mii characters and a table-football mini-game, there is the ability to play online via the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection service!

Stick around for further updates...

Box art for FIFA 08

EA Canada







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OMG they fucked it up... yeah that sounds crap.

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

It sounds exactly as I imagined a football title controlling on Wii actually, and I think the passing system will help to make the game much smoother by just being able to flick. EA apparently did a brilliant job with Madden on Wii on its first attempt, and based on how well they've been doing recently and how seriously they're taking Wii support, I would say this stands a good chance of being a decent control system for the game. I'm really looking forward to trying it out.

I scoff in the face of FIFA. Pro Evo will always be the daddy. Any news of Pro Evo coming to Wii?

Konami are supposed to be developing a version of it for Wii, yep, Oni. Smilie I've heard rumours they were having some difficulty sorting out the control scheme, but I'm sure they'll get around it.

Oni-Ninja said:
I scoff in the face of FIFA. Pro Evo will always be the daddy. Any news of Pro Evo coming to Wii?

Yeah but FIFA arent that far behind, and the licence deffintely helps!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

with the wii, the pro evo and fifa games are one the same playing fields. You can't say one is better than the other because the system is so different to conventional football games (mario strikers is not a conventional football game). What i'm saying is that fifa has as much chance as pro evo on the wii when it comes to being the better footy game.

Pro evo will likely be better. I want Konami to take their time with it and ply the Wii version with all it's resources by shifting them workforce from the other platforms. LS

( Edited on 10.06.2007 11:01 by Linkyshinks )

FIFA has come on in leaps and bounds the past few iterations and by all accounts the last Pro Evo on the next gen consoles was nothing compared to the one on previous generation machines

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Rejoice for the Lord will taketh his quarter and give much back to his followers.

To be fair to FIFA, I've not given it a look in since FIFA '03. It's just always been understood between me and the lads rthat Pro Evo was better. Konami's game is a more fluid, more natural kind of football. Glad to hear should be coming to Wii. Wonder how Konami will use the Wiimote?

Yeah FIFA 07 was pretty good, i quite liked it!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

I haven't given FIFA a look since 98'

Don't think it'll work.

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This may, or may not reassure you. LS

( Edited on 11.06.2007 12:14 by Linkyshinks )

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