EA have revealed the microphone attachment and some tidbits about the upcoming Wii-exclusive music party game Boogie, warming up players' vocals and hitting the dance floor with some funky tunes.

Thanks to RevoGamers for the tip.
By Jorge Ba-oh 09.06.2007
EA have revealed the microphone attachment and some tidbits about the upcoming Wii-exclusive music party game Boogie, warming up players' vocals and hitting the dance floor with some funky tunes.
Thanks to RevoGamers for the tip.
Does it plug into the remote or what?
ugly! Doesn't follow any of the Wii's aesthetics!
Ph00p said:
ugly! Doesnt follow any of the Wiis aesthetics!
Well they're obviously trying to make it look like a proper microphone, rather than a toy one.
That didlo reminds me of something, i mean microfone...
Anyway im guessing it attachs to the Wii-mote?!?
It goes into a USB port on the console itself if I recall correctly, Grumbler. This is something that Nintendo should've stepped in on and made a proper remote attachment for really, but oh well...
Eww...that shit is ugly as hell. Realistic?? Have they seen what a mic looks like??
USB? ... What the hell... Plugging it into the Wiimote would be the obvious solution. The wireless-ness of the Wiimote is kinda pointless if you have to keep the mic plugged in...
Ugly... its look like something out of 80s.
It looks like it's designed so that you can hold it how you're not supposed to hold a microphone (like rappers do).
How to rappers hold microphones wrong? Same way they hold guns?
Right up by the bit with holes in it (technical term honest), smothering half of it with your hand. This mic doesn't have that part exposed.
Compare that to this normal one:
Aah yes I see what you mean... It might just be that those normal ones don't really look 'kool' enough for EA though
There must be separate modes for singing and for dancing, because dancing requires use of the remote and nunchuck. We do not have three hands.
So, it plugs into the back of the Wii? Seems a bit stupid.
What's wrong with Wii white? It should be a USB Wireless Headset really, and it should have been made by Nintendo.
As gimmicky computer game peripherals go, it's not the worst that there's ever been.
Wii steering wheel.
I can smell the pointless casual gamer money nicking scheme a mile away!
At least this actually has a bit of of a point.