its E3 line-up for next month as: Harvest Moon 2 (DS); Harvest Moon DS Cute (DS); Harvest Moon Wii (Wii); Math Play (DS); Puzzle de Harvest Moon (DS); River King: Wonderland (DS) and Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon (DS). Something for everyone!
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    Nintendo DS/Wii News | More Harvest Moon Coming

    By Adam Riley 08.06.2007 4

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    That's a ton of Harvest Moon related games... Are any of those already out? I assume "Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon" Is just the US version of Rune Factory. & Harvest Moon Wii is probably just the Wii Harvest Moon game we've been hearing a lot about recently.

    But what's Harvest Moon 2? Is that just the 2nd Harvest Moon DS game? Or what's Harvest Moon DS Cute? O_O

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    Too much Harvert Mooooon....are the Japanese turing in to Urban Farmers?

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    I imagine Harvest Moon DS Cute is the girl version of one of the DS Harvest Moon's (not that's not cute already, it's almost sickening at times Smilie). I could be wrong though.

    I'm just waiting for Harvest Moon Wii! That looks great! Smilie

    TAG: That American Guy

    "If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

    TAG said:
    I imagine Harvest Moon DS Cute is the girl version of one of the DS Harvest Moons (not thats not cute already, its almost sickening at times Smilie). I could be wrong though.Im just waiting for Harvest Moon Wii! That looks great! Smilie
    Sounds likely, but can't you already play as a girl in Harvest Moon DS?

    I think it's a little silly really, it's so incredibly easy to fit the boy & girl versions into 1 game...

    EDIT: Also, it looks like E3 is gonna be exactly the same as always... just will a smaller more private show, & 2 months later, is it really that bad after all? I mean it's still called E3 & everything!

    ( Edited on 08.06.2007 22:14 by SuperLink )

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