Nintendo News | Smash Bros. Brawl Control Schemes

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.06.2007 41

The final update this week comes with good news for Smash Bros. fans with Nintendo confirming the different controllers players can choose from in the upcoming Wii Brawl.

The update on the official website illustrates the four means of taking control of Mario and co, from allowing players to battle from out the box with Wiimotes/nunchucks or using GameCube/Classic controllers for a classic feel.

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Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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smashbrothers with a dpad is reaaaaaaly hard to control.

But thats a nice announcement i guess - peoplewon't complain about being forced to buy controllers (and with 2 GC, 2 wiimotes - i can do 4 player!!!)

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Im looking forward to how they do the wiimote controls. Im starting to get a little excited about this games release now.

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I think the classic controller will be better than the gamecube pad every things just set out perfect on the classic pad.


Hmm...not entirely sure this will be a good idea! 4 different controllers for one game? Will they ALL work well? What if one has a slight advantage over the others. The best thing about console games is that the controls are usually based around the controller, but if there's four different controllers then which one has it really been designed in mind with?

I hope it works well with all of the controllers, but it does seem a bit...odd.

4 Yayz from me, this has to be good providing such control options is giving the fans what they want. There are some of us that want to continue to use the GC controller. I knew the others would be likely set ups. LS

( Edited on 08.06.2007 12:54 by Linkyshinks )

On the website itself, they reccommend we use the GC controller, I think that's for obvious reasons, but this is surely good news for those without a GC or Classic Controller, & I'm very interested as to how they're going to make it work.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

The plain Wiimote I guess would have one advantage, I can see it being easier to wave-dash... but it prevents a lot of other things. I will use a combination of GC controllers and Wii + Nunchuck. The nunchuck control would be almost exactly like the gc one, just take sometime to get used to.

I think I'll almost definitely use the GC controller. I'll have weeks of Melee practise pre-release of Brawl, & then get right to pwning some serious ass online, gonna be completely sweet.

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I wish I could play online... maybe I will be off 56k by then.

I have a bad feeling that the Wii and Nunchuck controls are not going to be as in depth as I want them to be, since originally they were saying those controls wouldn't be offered.

The thing is I really want them to be good, and by good I mean they should be good enough to stand up to any of the control schemes, but if they don't then it's strange to use that controller for online.

Hopefully they'll work it out so all controllers work in an equal way so that there isn't an advantage online.

BRAWL - 4425 1132 3950

Z said:
I wish I could play online... maybe I will be off 56k by then.
I think it's worth it to get broadband, although isn't there a Wii LAN cable coming out? I dunno if that works with 56k.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

What kind of advantage would one controller be over the other?
Wont all the controllers will be doing the same moves.

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the boy who likes to said:
What kind of advantage would one controller be over the other?Wont all the controllers will be doing the same moves.
They should do in some way or another. However...

The Classic or GC setup may be easier to use in fast paced gaming

GC controller has better rumble, as said on the site

Most players will be able to pick up & play with the GC controller almsot instantly.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I will be using the GameCube pad, and will king of C3 in Smash.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Co Chief Resident John Dorian said:
I will be using the GameCube pad, and will king of C3 in Smash.
Bring it on!

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I think it's worth it to get broadband, although isn't there a Wii LAN cable coming out? I dunno if that works with 56k.

My parents... they are not convinced. They won't get it, even if I pay for it from my own pocket. But my mum did hint that she would get it if I go back into the workforce (maybe later, when my uni timetable is not so full).

I will be using the GameCube pad, and will king of C3 in Smash.

SmilieSmilie You are too funny. Smilie

the boy who likes to said:
What kind of advantage would one controller be over the other?Wont all the controllers will be doing the same moves.

Yes, but, for example, the Wii mote alone has no Analog stick, which could make characters harder to move about as accurately. If they allow the second Analog stick to be used as an auto-smash, then that could cause advantages as well.

In theory they're all doing the same thing, but because they're different they're doing it in a slightly different way. it shouldn't make much difference, but it potentially could if they're not careful.

Z said:
My parents... they are not convinced. They wont get it, even if I pay for it from my own pocket. But my mum did hint that she would get it if I go back into the workforce (maybe later, when my uni timetable is not so full).
Ah, it's a shame then. Funny thing is, even though I'm not allowed to shop on the net at all, my brother & I were so hyped up about DS online play that we got a wireless router on the same weekend that Mario Kart DS came out on. Took us a while to get it working, but it's pretty cool now.

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Wii remote on it's side is supported o_O didn't expect that.

This is a bit of a disapointment. I was waiting for them to suprise us all by showing us how the Wii-mote can be used effectively in this game. The fact that they suggest the GCN pad proves that the Wii controls might not be up to scratch.

This really bugs me as it destroys the whole purpose of the Wii's innovative controls. Ugh

Daniel Primed said:
This is a bit of a disapointment. I was waiting for them to suprise us all by showing us how the Wii-mote can be used effectively in this game. The fact that they suggest the GCN pad proves that the Wii controls might not be up to scratch. This really bugs me as it destroys the whole purpose of the Wiis innovative controls. Ugh

No it doesn't. Just because it's there doesn't mean it has to be used. Many games on the DS actually make pretty minimal use of it's features, and better for it. Just because it's there doesn't always mean you should just throw it in. Using motion controls for smash bros, could either be tiring (considering how quick the game is and how many motions you could end up doing), upset the rather fast paced balance of the game or the risk of them just not working. A much wiser decision to stick without required motion.

Daniel Primed said:
This is a bit of a disapointment. I was waiting for them to suprise us all by showing us how the Wii-mote can be used effectively in this game. The fact that they suggest the GCN pad proves that the Wii controls might not be up to scratch. This really bugs me as it destroys the whole purpose of the Wiis innovative controls. Ugh
Smash Bros isn't made for motion controls, it's made for the hardcore fans, which there will be tons of. Wii sells because of it's innovative style, but this game will sell the Wii anyway, & it doesn't nesicarily even need to use motion sensor.

I think it's enough to hear that Wiimote has confirmed support, because I don't think anyone would have really expected it at first. Smash Bros is a once every 5 years game, so if the game isn't well accepted with motion controls, then that's millions of upset fans for 5 years. This way, I think everyone is happy.

I don't know about any of you, but I don't see how Wiimote can be used nearly as well as GC controller can...

Remember, the Wii, as well as being the casual gamers' innovative fun console, is also the hardcore Nintendo fans' home console, so I really do think there's a little bit for everyone to be happy of here.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

But how can the Wiimote be used effectively. There is no point fixing the control scheme, it works great as it is already.

Yeah, Smash Bros had a perfect control system right from the N64 days, all it takes now is tweaking, the main reason for buying SSB games isn't for the controls, it's for the massive updates in character, stages, graphics, & other features.

This time I'd say the special feature is online play, as well as an extended 1 player mode that'll make it less boring to play solo, that & 3rd party characters. Quite a lot to be pleased about already.

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GC controller's still the way to go. There better not be any advantage to using the Wiimote...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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