an updated stock list at Hollywood Video, the Wii will see the following games this year: Star Wars Force Unleashed, Rebel Raiders, Pool Party (with pool cue accessory), Showtime Boxing and Super Pickups. Share your thoughts on this inside..." /> News: Nintendo Speculation | New Star Wars, Pool & Boxing on Wii? Page 1 - Cubed3

Nintendo Speculation | New Star Wars, Pool & Boxing on Wii?

By Adam Riley 08.06.2007 13

Quick News - According to an updated stock list at Hollywood Video, the Wii will see the following games this year: Star Wars Force Unleashed, Rebel Raiders, Pool Party (with pool cue accessory), Showtime Boxing and Super Pickups.

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Pool cue accessory. They have thought of everything.

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I hope Star Wars is good. This Pool game sounds interesting and should be dismissed until we see what it offers. LS

ok... Star wars force unleashed is an automatic buy.

I Rule.

I like people who don't double-post. There is an edit button.

I hope they invest time into star wars :/

I'll be getting the LegoStarWars compilation one however, that will rock. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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If LucasArts doesn't bring a "built-from-the-ground-up" version of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed to Wii, there are going to be a legion pissed fans screaming at their door.

And if they don't make an exclusive version of Battlefront 3 and another Rogue Squadron game for Wii, I'll personally march over there and scream at their door. lol

I hope to God they take full advantage of all of Wii's capabilities and not half-ass it like so many other 3rd parties are doing.

Chance favors the prepared mind.

hmmm... Hopefully the boxing game is in depth. Although not a boxing fan my self wii sports boxing was quite the fun but to lacking in depth.

I don't know about you guys, but if Star Wars: The Force Unleashed for Wii turns out to be yet another f***ing port of a last gen (PS2) game I'm going to go ballistic.

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Is Force Unleashed the one with the absolutely amazing physics engine (That probably won't be in the Wii version, but whatever...)? If so HEEEEEYL YAYA!

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Megadanxzero said:
Is Force Unleashed the one with the absolutely amazing physics engine (That probably wont be in the Wii version, but whatever...)? If so HEEEEEYL YAYA!

Yeah im not sure if it is, but if its that game then i very much doubt they will make it for the Wii!

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Milk! said:
Megadanxzero said:Is Force Unleashed the one with the absolutely amazing physics engine (That probably wont be in the Wii version, but whatever...)? If so HEEEEEYL YAYA!
Yeah im not sure if it is, but if its that game then i very much doubt they will make it for the Wii!

LucasArts is having a specific version developed for the PS2 and DS.

Chance favors the prepared mind.

But... But... It'll have the physics engine right? Right!? ;_;

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

I wish I even had a wii. Arn't those like 200 - 300 $ ???? I dunno, it seems like you could get bored with them after a while. The star wars game would prob. be the only I'd play

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