Nintendo Wii News | Latest Euro VC Updates

By Adam Riley 08.06.2007 15

Nintendo has revealed the latest batch of new Virtual Console classics to hit European Wii systems this week. First up this week is 1987 NES classic Balloon Fight. In this highly addictive action title players take on the role of a dare-devil balloonist battling enemies across the skies. Players must pop their opponent's balloons to send them plummeting to the ground before they pop yours! Balloon Fight also features a two-player mode with both competitive and co-operative play as well as a bonus survival game called Balloon Trip and is available now for 500 Wii Points.

Also up for grabs this week is Adventures of Lolo. Originally launched on the NES in 1991, players assume the role of Prince Lolo who must rescue Princess Lala from the clutches of the evil Great Devil, saving the land of Eden as he goes. Although he is not endowed with agility, Lolo possesses intelligence and great courage that must be employed to solve taxing puzzles and ensure the safe return of Princess Lala. Adventures of Lolo is available now for 500 Wii Points.

However, if these don't take your fancy then why not download the Turbografx classic Dead Moon. This side scrolling action shooter sees the player piloting a space ship in a quest to stop aliens taking over the Earth. Players must defeat alien space ships by shooting at them, working their way through six levels, each with a boss that requires players to attack from different directions. Players can upgrade both their weapons and their ships throughout the game, tipping the odds in their favour! This classic game is available now for just 600 Wii Points.

This brings the European total up to 96 classic titles already. Stick around for further news on Cubed3!

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Yay! Balloon Fight is great fun! (Though I won't be getting it... got it on AC)

So where's Sonic 2? Maybe next week then.

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Sweet sweet Balloon Fight.

What does everyone think will be game 100 on Euro VC?

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Super Smash Bros! X3

No, not really. It should be Majora's Mask. Hey, there aren't enough N64 titles! There are meant to be one per month right? We only have 4, it's been 7 months since Wii came out! :-/

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I reckon it would have to be a Nintedo game, perhaps Super Mario Kart?
Althoguh I am still waiting on some frickin Metroid games to be released. Hurry up Ninty.

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"Princess Lala" Lol.

Balloon Fight is great, having fun with it now, it's very amusing.

I hope we get the Tinglified version in the west on the Wii download channel some day, cos there is no way i am spending

Oni-Ninja said:

The man is right, you would have to a sucker to pay fro this.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Co Chief Resident John Dorian said:
The man is right, you would have to a sucker to pay fro this.
I'd have to say though, Balloon Fight definitely is one of the NES games I'd rather pay for. I'll probably leave my Wii having only bought a few, infact, I actually can't think of any NES games I want, except maybe Donkey Kong Jr & Donkey Kong 3.

Kirby's Adventure is pure awesomeness though.

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These games should be less than a quid.

I'd buy Kirby's Adventure for

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This brings the European total up to 96 classic titles already.

They're all classics?

beamrider2600 said:
This brings the European total up to 96 classic titles already.
Theyre all classics?

Any old shit can be a "classic", "just 600 Wii Points", "remove all the trials and tribulations associated with online gaming" on C3 news.

Welcome to happy land, where PR cock-sucking reigns.Smilie

It's not even funny any more.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

^Yep, it had to be said. Smilie

Grumbler said:
beamrider2600 said:
This brings the European total up to 96 classic titles already.
Theyre all classics?
Any old shit can be a classic, just 600 Wii Points, remove all the trials and tribulations associated with online gaming on C3 news.Welcome to happy land, where PR cock-sucking reigns.SmilieIts not even funny any more.

The harsh truth.

Holy shit, not even I'd pay for Kirby's Adventure... I'd just download the GBA re-make...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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