Nintendo Scans | Chibi Robo, DK: Jungle Climber, Zelda DS and More...

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.06.2007 12

A selection of scans from the recent edition of Japanese magazine Famitsu have hit the web revealing some upcoming Wii/DS titles, including Donkey Kong's latest DS effort, looking after a park with Chibi Robo and exploring the high seas with Hyrule's finest.

Slide Adventure Magkid (DS)
Bass Fishing (Wii)

DK Jungle Climber (DS)
Chibi Robo (DS)

Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (DS)

Thanks to NeoGAF's neo2046 for the scans.

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Well there are some Gorons in that picture, and is it just me, or could that guy in the middle right of the second scan be the mail man?

( Edited on 07.06.2007 18:46 by Jacob4000 )

It actually says "Posuto Man" so... I'm sure it's him XD or were you being sarcastic? Those games looks nice, I hadn't seen anything of DK DS until now ^^ It'll be cool to learn where all the Gorons went after the big flood.

( Edited on 07.06.2007 18:57 by Gibdo )

new info about zelda!
-you're quest is to save tetra (who was thieved by a ghost ship)
-you can buy new parts for your ship!!
-Phantons (those huge metal armour guys) kill you in one hit and if they spot you they'll chase after you until you enter a safe zone
-Fishings back!!(it records the size of fish you catch)
-Salvage suff with the touch pen
-A mystery woman will get on your boat and starting fighting
-there will be some mini games to play whilst sailing - one is hiting targets with your cannon - it records your best score
-the postman looks wierd...but he's back!

oh and the people in the bottom of the 2nd page are
Sarubatoru (the guy who you can play battle ships with in wind waker)
Hoho man (apparently a treasure hunter from wind waker)
yukiwaroshi (snow something)

( Edited on 07.06.2007 19:01 by ZeroSimon )

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Very nice, Zero! Thanks for the translation. Smilie

It actually says "Posuto Man" so... I'm sure it's him XD or were you being sarcastic?

I missed the "Posuto man" so, no, I wasn't being sarcastic.

Chibi Robo DS- NO, I will wait on the Wii version which is likely to be miles better than the GC version was.

Nice Zelda scans Smilie, U.S imported already and waiting. LS

( Edited on 07.06.2007 19:31 by Linkyshinks )


Yey! Smilie

& looks like more Chibi goodness. Plus it has Free Rangers!!! Good stuff.

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And their cute too Smilie LS

( Edited on 07.06.2007 20:34 by Linkyshinks )

DK looks alright and so does Chibi Robo...
but ZELDA wow Smilie that looks brilliant!!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

The fishing one owes it's very existence to SEGA.

"Bass Fishing for the Wii utilises Nintendo's wifi connection allowing players to go head to head against rivals worldwide in intense fishing battles"




Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

MY god Zelda just keeps on amazing me...each screen I see gets better and better. I wasn't really all that excited for this game but now I'm dying to get it!!

True, i just hope it's a large diverse game. From what we know already there are only three islands, with that being the case i hope they are large.

Just how much memory capacity can a DS cart hold, anyone?, and what game has maxed it if ever. This game may well be a contender. LS

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