According to reports, LucasArts is planning on releasing a fifth entry into the Monkey Island adventure series. However, work is not set to begin on the adventure genre in general until at least 2008. Could Wii be seeing a version as well? Stick with Cubed" /> News: Industry News | New Monkey Island Coming? Page 1 - Cubed3

Industry News | New Monkey Island Coming?

By Adam Riley 06.06.2007 19

Quick News - According to reports, LucasArts is planning on releasing a fifth entry into the Monkey Island adventure series. However, work is not set to begin on the adventure genre in general until at least 2008. Could Wii be seeing a version as well?

Stick with Cubed3 for further news...

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are you a hundred percent sure they are making one? or is htis just a rumor?

The question mark in the headline and the fact that the link is from Rumour Reporter should tell you that it's not official in any capacity at the moment, but I don't think it's unlikely - it's been a few years since the last and the series has always been popular.

I just really hope they go back to the graphical style of Monkey Island 3 - the fourth game was such a letdown in comparison.

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I just really hope they go back to the graphical style of Monkey Island 3 - the fourth game was such a letdown in comparison.

Agreed, though, let's be honest - I would play it even if they released it as a gritty first person shooter. Smilie

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

Well they're definitely planning to make one at some point. Last I heard they were saying by 2010, so this is good news/rumour to me. Who knows what platforms it'll be on, but the Wii certainly seem like a good choice, especially since the PS2 got the last one without even having a pointing device.

Personally I think MI4 is a shit stain upon the face of the Earth in almost every possible way. The controls were awful (What the hell were they thinking? ;-Smilie and meant that I couldn't run and press down and right at the same time (Stupid Windows key restrictions...) it looked awful and I just generally didn't find it very funny... Some of the puzzles were OK actually, but insult arm wrestling? ARM WRESTLING!? What the Hell...

I hope they make the next one 2D and point and click (Though if I had to just pick one it'd be point and click)... And I also hope Ron Gilbert wins the lottery so he can buy the franchise back from LucasArts and make the real Monkey Island 3 ;-;

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Smilie Lets hope its true, lets hope its true! And if they made it for Wii Smilie OMG OMG OMG

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Megadanxzero said:

I had always heard that a bunch of people definitely 'wanted' to make number 5, but nothing had ever come about, in fact some people have previously said it definitely isn't coming.

I agree that 4 was the weakest of the series, but number 3 is actually my favourite, a fact that separates me from a lot of (most) MI fans.

Don't get me wrong, I love the originals - but 3 was my introduction to the series and thus will always a special place in my heart. Smilie

Plus the interface was far improved/easier to get into, the visuals were much nicer - they had the opportunity to make fun of themselves/reference the original titles, etc.

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

Oh god, they better make it!!!

It's probably for the PC...

Karn, I'm with you - MI3 is the best in the series. MI2 is the next best, but the original is still legendary as well. I'd prefer not to really mention number 4. MI3's short but very sweet, and I always find it quite surprising that I enjoy it the most despite Gilbert not even being involved. If there is a fifth game, though, I hope Gilbert comes back, as he apparently always had a conclusive end to the story that's not been told yet (was originally supposed to be a three game thing).

"A pirate I was meant to be, trim the sails and roam the sea!"

For me it goes 2 > 3 > 1. I played them in the order they were released so I'm pretty unbiased. The only reason I think 1 comes after 3 is the length, and they were far less scared to make fun of absolutely EVERYTHING in the first one than in the others.

I did really love the graphical style of 3 though, and remakes of 1 and 2 with a similar style and interface would be welcome. I'm not sure if I prefer the original interface to MI3's though... I think the original one had more potential for humour in doing silly things like trying to pull that bald guy standing on the corner in Melee island ^^;

As far as I'm concered 4 doesn't exist. In fact, 4? 4 what? Monkey Island 4 doesn't exist yet. I can't wait 'til they make it!

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

I didnt mind the forth game.
I prefered the others for gameplay, but the style of 4 was quite nice despite being 3d. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Is it a sequel or remake???

They've been saying they want to make number 5 for a while so I assume a sequel ^^

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

I respect Ron Gilbert for coming up with the first and second games but I don't respect him for not admitting that Curse of Monkey Island, which he wasn't involved with, is one of the finest PC games ever with a script as dry and witty as anything he came up with. 'Curse' also has animation, music and voice talent that is unsurpassed in videogaming to this day to my mind.

'Escape from Monkey Island' just felt wrong from the start. There was potential hidden in there but the execution was soulless, the control was appalling and the solutions to the puzzles were incredibly difficult to work out with bugs littering the game. I didn't get very far at all. The 3D engine did nothing to improve the game experience (perhaps it was cheaper and easier to do than Curse's world class animation).

( Edited on 10.06.2007 20:28 by Picnic )

I reckon the game will work best on DS

I also liked 4. But it missed the key factor...Insult Sword Fighting.

Any monkey island game needs many and lots.

I keep seeing this on the side bar and thing its about a game based on the crime chow "Monk".

How good would a game about Monk be? Solve crimes, then do a bit of OCD in an open world environment.Smilie

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Well MI2 didn't have any insult anything and it was the best one ;3

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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