Nintendo Wii News | First FIFA 08 Wii Screens

By James Temperton 06.06.2007 10

Nintendo Power have gone hands on with FIFA 08 on the Wii and have published the first ever images of the game including some shots of the Mii-based minigames. Everything is looking lovely and we've included the scans below for you to have a gander over. The game is due out in September and no doubt there will be a lot more information and hype coming out over the coming months.

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Box art for FIFA 08

EA Canada







C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

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Rated $score out of 10  7/10 (6 Votes)

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Does that article say how the controller works with the game?

im not in to fifa that much. but the fact that EA have included mini games with Mii character's is very interesting. Does this mean it will be on-line like mario strikers? If it is then that means that third parties will be making more and more on-line games

Click on the images to enlarge them and you can just about read the text, so have a read.

Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

Its been a while since I bought a Fifa game. In fact I think it was the 98 French World Cup on the N64. But this is looking like it could be alot of fun. Foosball across the globe will be vert addictive.
I just hope that the control scheme pulls off well.

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I will only consider on clearance and if the Mii aspect works. Football/Soccer isn't my thing without Mario. Maybe one day, someone will teach me how to understand the game. My entire collection consists of Pro Evolution 4 on the xbox ands Virtua Strikers 3 on the Cube. Never lasted more than 5 minutes.

Where the hell is my cricket game - bouncers, flippers, french cuts and hook shoots with the wiimote - who could ask for more?

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If they get the controls right then il be pleased and tempted to buy, and it will show to Konami how well a football game will sell on Wii

when did fifa 07 get the name change?

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Good to see Miis being used by 3rd parties, really it is. I won't actually be touching this game with the end of a large pole, but Wii extras sounds good. Though at the moment, the graphics look very meh.

If it's online, then that's good too.

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Personally, I hate normal football games, they make me fall asleep. So I sure as hell won't be getting this.

flamingmyinbox said:
I will only consider on clearance and if the Mii aspect works. Football/Soccer isnt my thing without Mario. Maybe one day, someone will teach me how to understand the game. My entire collection consists of Pro Evolution 4 on the xbox ands Virtua Strikers 3 on the Cube. Never lasted more than 5 minutes.Where the hell is my cricket game - bouncers, flippers, french cuts and hook shoots with the wiimote - who could ask for more?

Yeah, I am waiting and hoping for a Brian Lara game myself. Pick up the best versions on the other platforms if nothing turns up.

This game looks good, I remember reading a interview with the developers who said they are really trying to make the Wii Remote functionality useful and they will not be adding any such functionality for the sake of doing so. That makes me more confident that this game will actually be a good game.

Online would of course be great, but if they cannot i wont mind at all as long as the game itself is done as well as i hope it will be.

Faints and with the Nunchuk would be sweet, as would gentle shoulder charges and tackles. Targeting chips and passes with the remote would be cool. the possiblity and scope for the control options will be unrivalled in a football game, i hope thay make great use of it and play test it to death. LS

( Edited on 08.06.2007 12:45 by Linkyshinks )

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