By Adam Riley 03.06.2007
Ouendan is already a movie, it's called Bring It On... Well it has girls instead of creepy Japanese guys, but that can only be a good thing...
I really wish they'd make a Monkey Island movie... It'd give Lucasarts something to do other than make endless Star Wars crap. I made a poster for an imaginary Monkey Island movie back in the days of Graphic Products GCSE... Good times... Goooood times...
Also, wasn't a Metroid movie announced ages ago that kinda faded into nothingness like the supposed Halo movie?
You do realise Bring it On is based on Shakespeare's A Midsummer Nights Dream, right?
And it was John Woo that was supposed to be taking on the Metroid series for a movie, but the opportunity kind of faded into nothingness.
If others have ideas for games being turned into movies, then please do share!
And Digg this story...please!
Even though i'm pretty much against the idea of ANY game becoming a movie i guess my choises would be Metal Gear Solid considering it's pretty film like anyway.
Eternal Darkness would be kind of cool, although it might be better suited on TV were it could play out over several episods in the diffrent time periods.
Conkers bad fur day? Foul mouthed movie to rival south park the movie would be shweet.
I have been meaning to watch "Bring it On" ever since I saw "Bring it On: All or Nothing", which is an awesome (that's a Spydarlee-Awesome, not actual awesome) film, I must have seen it, well twice, but it's still ace.
And you just can't say no to Hayden Panettiere.
If I could add some spice to this... I would say "Hero" based movies, things like good agaisnt evil...
But then again, I can't take off my head the idea of a Zelda movie...
Ice Climber movie would rock (despite my grandmother saying those lil' ones are satanic)
No Shadow of the Colossus or ICO?
No Shadow of the Colossus?
I'd have to say I'd be obligated to watching a Metroid movie, that would kick ass, too bad the movie idea did just fade into an obscure idea... same with Halo...
But if I wanted to see a game into a movie, that hasn't been mentioned/done, I'd have to say I'd like to see a Soul Calibur movie. Though I can how it could easily go the way of the Mortal Kombat movies, didn't much care for those... at all... but it could go with more of a story, using the likes of the story mode story of SCII.
He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.
I think that the girl from Terminator 3 would be much better for the role of Samus rather than Milla Jovoich.
Grim Fandago would really work as a movie, with graphics similar to that of Nightmare before christmas. I can totally imagine this, it could be so great. Monkey Island too...
There is a Soul Calibur movie 'in production', there's even a trailer! Although it just shows a Nostredamus quote about a sword and then finishes with a flash of the words Soul Calibur, that's it. I can't wait for it to come out, if ever. I know it will be incredibly shite, but I can't wait. Supposed to be out this year.
If any game is looking most likely to be converted into a movie any time soon it's Castlevania. It's meant to 'span hundreds of years, documenting the Belmont clan eternal struggle with Dracula' or something to that effect. I think this could be good if done right, lot's of cool whip fights are essential.
Obviously as a huge Metroid nut I would love to see a Metroid film, it has the potential I think. Metroid: Zero Mission would be the best of the series to be turned into a film, all about Samus' first mission and providing a bit of her background as well. Providing they don't go all sentimental and start making up crap about Samus' past.
-_- games to movies never work if u do a film on a game do it CGI like ff7ac was that work
now just think if they did that with real ppl it suck ass
( Edited on 03.06.2007 09:21 by Jump_button )
I'd like to see Carol Vorderman's Sudoku turned into a movie.
My 'real' favourite would be Fire Emblem from the first Gameboy Advance game. It had the best storyline, plus the fantasy aspects of it would be a nice touch. I would do it real action style with great special effects, like LOTR. There are plenty of great actors around to play the main parts,
Any actress with big boobs will do. Bouncy bouncy
( Edited on 03.06.2007 10:13 by oldschool )
oldschool said:
My real favourite would be Fire Emblem from the first Gameboy Advance game. It had the best storyline, plus the fantasy aspects of it would be a nice touch. I would do it real action style with great special effects, like LOTR. There are plenty of great actors around to play the main parts,Otherwise:Any actress with big boobs will do. Bouncy bouncy( Edited on 03.06.2007 10:13 by oldschool )
u dont know that they is a D.O.A movie come out some time next week?
( Edited on 03.06.2007 10:52 by Jump_button )
Looks like one of the worst films ever.
Hmm, not sure Milla Jovoich would make a very good Samus personally, but apart from that some cool ideas. Lego Star Wars should SO be a CG movie of its own!
Onimusha the movie would be pretty sweet. Not because of the gameplay that did its justice, but the story would be well adapted.
And D.O.A. is one of the cruddiest movies ever. It could'nt suck more, even if Uwe Boll directed it.
( Edited on 03.06.2007 11:08 by Shig Guevara )
Oni-Ninja said:
Looks like one of the worst films ever.
Wow, all that Oxford education really paid off with that one.
Kidding aside he is right though. They had the entire movie for free on Google Video a while back. You cannot access it anymore, but it was fun while it lasted. Fun here meaning laughing your ass off at stupid bad shit that you are thanking god you did not have to pay for.
Think if McG and Uwe Boil fucked. That would be the result of that movie.
Also, while I personally hated the FF VII AC movie (horrid editing and just bad anime stuff) there is a reason why it worked. Same reason why Sin City and 300 worked: The original creators were around to have control over the movie making process.
Unless more game studios are willing to do that and not just be star studded about cash then we can accept good games to movies adoptions.
...and that will be in the year of "never" at this rate.
There's already some silly CG Tony Hawk movie, looks really odd. I don't think it's based on the games though.
Apparantly D.O.A is crap.
& they're already making a Soul Calibur Movie, I think they're making an MGS one too.
Galvanizer said:WTF? Galvanizer posted! O_O
WTF?No Shadow of the Colossus or ICO?
Oh yeah, & a Zelda anime movie would rule so much I'd probably wet myself
I think Shadow of the Colossus is one of those things that works better as a game - in a film, you wouldn't get the feeling of having to work out the puzzle, the epic battles or the strange attachment and respect for the creatures that you destroy. Plus, they'd shoehorn in dialogue, and that could only ruin it further.
An Ouendan movie would be so much different to Bring It On - far more bizarre and all the better for it.
jesusraz said:That's Get Over It. A great movie though, 'twas on last night actually...
You do realise Bring it On is based on Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream, right?
Fire Emblem's a really god choice actually, I'd love to see that. I don't think Milla Jovovich would be at all decent for a Metroid movie personally... The girl they used for Samus in the Japanese Prime adverts'ld do me, she was HAWT.
Not that it really matters since she'd be in a suit the whole time (Apart from the obligatory shower scene) and they'd probably put a man in it anyway...
Kangaroo_Kid said:Guess you haven't heard about the Castlevania movie then?
If any game is looking most likely to be converted into a movie any time soon it's Castlevania. It's meant to 'span hundreds of years, documenting the Belmont clan eternal struggle with Dracula' or something to that effect. I think this could be good if done right, lot's of cool whip fights are essential.
Isn't there supposed to be a Prince of Persia movie in production too actually? That could (won't) be good too.
In conclusion, every game ever has been announced as a movie at some point, but half of them never actually happen
Jump_button said:oldschool said:My real favourite would be Fire Emblem from the first Gameboy Advance game. It had the best storyline, plus the fantasy aspects of it would be a nice touch. I would do it real action style with great special effects, like LOTR. There are plenty of great actors around to play the main parts,Otherwise:Any actress with big boobs will do. Bouncy bouncy( Edited on 03.06.2007 10:13 by oldschool )
u dont know that they is a D.O.A movie come out some time next week?cheese( Edited on 03.06.2007 10:52 by Jump_button )
Try again, something easily as bad or possibly worse:
Mmmm, looks interesting. High quality actresses required - the cast of charmed? The cast of The O.C.?
I thought the DOA movie was out already...
This film trailer looks really good considering its fanmade. I give you, the MGS: Philanthropy trailer
i think a tetris movie should be made. Different shape blocks start falling randomly out of the sky, terrorising earth (mainly russia). and ten they work out some way of stopping it and so they do it
( Edited on 03.06.2007 13:04 by Lrrr )
( Edited on 03.06.2007 14:32 by Lrrr )