Nintendo News | 2007 Release for Mario Kart and Metroid Wii in Europe?

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.06.2007 35

Quick News: Patrick Nagel, deputy marketing manager for Nintendo Germany, recently took part in a Q and A session in the Nintendo Center, according to NintendoCast. He revealed that with some luck Nintendo plans to publish Mario Kart Wii, and definitely release Metroid Prime 3 this year in Europe.

Certainly positive news, hopefully indicating some top names hitting the console towards the end of 2007.

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Some luck? I doubt it, but at least Mario Kart will likely show other developers how to do the racing thing properly. I look forward to MK more than MP3, just for the multipalayer pleasure.

Temporarily banned until further notice.

Aye, I really hope to at least see some of Mario Kart this year, can't wait.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

There is absolutely no way in hell Mario Kart Wii will be released this year.

Less posty, more gamey.

Unless they make it shit.

I want a release date for SSBB...

artmonkey said:
There is absolutely no way in hell Mario Kart Wii will be released this year.

There's actually a very good chance it could be. I guess we shall see a lot of it at E3, this year, and they will get it released before the end of the year.

I reckon Nintendo's been working on this game for quite some time, it's just they haven't had the chance to show of any media of the game. I'm sure this years E3 will provide that chance. As for Metriod Prime 3, I really don't care about the game. I absolutely hate the series.

Marzy said:
I reckon Nintendo's been working on this game for quite some time, its just they havent had the chance to show of any media of the game. Im sure this years E3 will provide that chance.

That's true. Nintendo can only reveal media at massive pre-planned annual events.

Less posty, more gamey.

i want at least 50 tracks, all online. is that too much to ask? i hope it comes out for crimbo.

Makes me wonder about Mario Kart Wii - will it be a re-release of the GC version (with perhaps Mario Kart GP Arcade tracks thrown in) with motion controls or will it have completely new tracks?

Mario Kart Wii could be brilliant, I'm sure they'll reveal it at E3 & it'll be out by the end of the year. It's always been th same with Mario Kart games, announced at E3 or a little earlier & then released worldwide in November or October.

So it doesn't sound unlikely to me. & I give more of a shit about MK than I ever will about MP3C. MK Wii online would be awesome. I don't see a reason why all stages can't be online. I mean, every single Diddy Kong Racing stage was online, so I see absolutely no reason not to have all stages online.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I doubt Mario Kart will be released this year, they probably have been working on the game for a long time but i doubt they would wanna release this many first party games in 2007!?!?

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Yeah, but to be honest, without Nintendo's games, the Wii doesn't have much else... Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Yeah but I HAVE NO MONEY! I doubt I'll be able to afford half of the confirmed Wii games by the end of the year, let alone a new Mario Kart as well...

If it does happen and they're not in Karts again I refuse to buy it. Play it even... Double Dash was so awful

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Megadanxzero said:
Yeah but I HAVE NO MONEY! I doubt Ill be able to afford half of the confirmed Wii games by the end of the year, let alone a new Mario Kart as well...If it does happen and theyre not in Karts again I refuse to buy it. Play it even... Double Dash was so awful

Smilie *stabs* say it once more punk, and ill rip your guts out!!

how can you say DD was awful, thats was a brilliant game!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Megadanx, what's wrong with you? Fair-do's, single-player Mario Kart of any variety is rubbish, but four-player Double Dash is one of the finest gaming... I can't... You... How...?

Less posty, more gamey.

It's fucking terrible! The 'kart' control was abysmal, Powerslides felt horrid and you were racing in fucking TANKS. How anyone could ever consider those karts is beyond me.

I found the whole dual-character thing completely pointless too... I doubt I ever switched characters during a race.

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Yeah double dash is a dirty stain in the mario kart series. Last gen was a pretty shitty time for all kart racing games in general, both the crash kart games sucked aswell Smilie

I don't see why people hated Double-dash so much, it was definitely better than the stale and dull 64 iteration. Of course the DS one is much superior to DD, but Double Dash was great fun in its own right. Back on topic, I very much doubt Mario Kart will come out this soon, we haven't even seen a bloody screenshot.

I'd be disappointed if Prime 3 didn't come out this year...but Mario Kart Wii?!?! WOAH!!

I actually agree with Marzy (for once) I don't like the Metroid Prime series, it's made the Metroid series so dull & mainstream.

Unless Marzy hates 2D Metroid too, then that's just wrong. As in, "ew, dirty thoughts" wrong.

Still, Metroid Prime 3 is prolly the only Nintendo game for Wii I havn't put on my "to get" list -.-

Well, it's fine if Nintendo spread out their games, but the Wii desperately needs some good 3rd party games, or it really will be a drought console. I mean, 1 second everyone is saying there's a drought of Wii games, & the next minute everyone is saying Nintendo are releasing too many games for it? Seriously WTF?

So basically it's the 3rd parties fault, if so I don't see how Nintendo can be blamed for Wii having a game drought.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Metroid Prime, at least the first one, is quite different from most other FPS games.

Z said:
Metroid Prime, at least the first one, is quite different from most other FPS games.
First Metroid Prime remained true to the Metroid Series I felt, still slightly boring, because you walked so slowly & it took AGES to backtrack rather than GOING RLY FAST & blowing up everything you see like in the 2D games to get there quickly...

But MP2E has nothing to do with Metroid, just phazon, Space Pirates, & the obligitary cameo from a Metroid or two (that's all it is...)

Also, it seems like they've just forgotten about all the different types of Metroid there are...

( Edited on 03.06.2007 12:24 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Well there were only a few Metroids in 2D Metroid games near the end, Fusion only had like... One in the whole thing, and I can't quite remember but I don't think Zero had many. The different types of Metroid only appeared in Metroid 2 anyway, and that's a game I think we can all quite happily forget about >.>

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Megadanxzero said:
Well there were only a few Metroids in 2D Metroid games near the end, Fusion only had like... One in the whole thing, and I cant quite remember but I dont think Zero had many. The different types of Metroid only appeared in Metroid 2 anyway, and thats a game I think we can all quite happily forget about >.>
I liked Metroid 2, in Metroid Zero there were lots, but they were all in a small area. In Metroid Fusion they had loads, but you didn't fight them, & there was the Omega Metroid as a final boss.

Still, they have all this potential for awesome Metroid enemies, but they'd rather just recolour a regular Metroid... It reminds me of making a new Sonic character, or a Sonic fan character. Yeah, that's how bad it is.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I don't know... a Metroid game doesn't have to have a metroid in it...

OMG your people are CRAZZZYYY, first you say DD is awful and nor Prime series is BORING Smilie you all need to be spanked!!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

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