Nintendo News | EA Brings Need for Speed to Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.06.2007 6

The Need for Speed addiction continues with EA announcing Need for Speed ProStreet, another high octane racing title for home consoles as players once again take to the streets with customized cars and snazzy ladies.

"Need for Speed ProStreet accelerates street racing culture by providing the ultimate stage for the pursuit of street racing supremacy. This is a game about building the ultimate performance-tuned battle machine, taking it to multi-disciplinary showdowns all over the world and pitting your skills and reputation against the very best street racers."
Executive Producer, Larry LaPierre.

Players can personalize their cars using EA's Autosculpt technology to impact on their cars performance, "a true taste of raw adrenaline and racing with consequences", with cars taking the impact of your efforts from miniscule scratches to crimpled body parts and scars. An online mode is present, but its uncertain whether this feature would be available in the Wii version.

Stay tuned for some fueled updates...

Box art for Need for Speed ProStreet








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cant see why they couldnt do an online mode, make it happen EA!

NFS has lost it for me. I used to enjoy it, but the super shiny cars in Underground did nothing for me, same for the street culture stuff. The last time I enjoyed it was Most Wanted. It wasn't a great game, but it was fun - especially trying to outrun a helicopter with explosives on board.

This one doesn't sound like the one to bring me back.

Temporarily banned until further notice.


You can smell the decay.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I enjoyed Underground. It was my favorite racing game that didn't include the words Mario and Kart in the name. I want a real racing sim without all the hassle of being chased by police or helicopters, or all that jazz. I just want to customize my ride and race. If this is what this game offers, count me in. Uh, with better controls this time, plskthx.

Online optional, but there's no reason not to add it.


sceleratus rex said:
I want a real racing sim without all the hassle of being chased by police or helicopters, or all that jazz. I just want to customize my ride and race. If this is what this game offers, count me in. Uh, with better controls this time, plskthx.

Get yourself a PS2 and Gran Turismo 4.

sceleratus rex said:
Online optional, but theres no reason not to add it.

Are you serious? This is Nintendo we're talking about. They've only just released the first first-party online game (five years behind the times), there's no way this'll be online.

Smilie *boring* i liked NfS Hot Pursuit, then Underground came along it was something new and i quite enjoyed the game, then Underground 2 was pretty shit, then Carbon ever shitter! So yeah NfS... *walks to Burnout* Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

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