Nintendo News | Zelda II Marks 100th Virual Console US Title

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.06.2007

Nintendo have announced that the upcoming addition of the not-so-well received Zelda II (NES) marks the 100th classic title to hit the far-better-received Virtual Console channel in the US since going live in November 2006, confirming that over 4.7 million units have flown through the Internet since the store opened its doors.

The top five classic game downloads globally to date, and their original system are:
1) Super Mario Bros.(R) (NES)
2) Super Mario 64(R) (N64)
3) Mario Kart 64(TM) (N64)
4) Super Mario World(R) (SNES)
5) The Legend of Zelda(R) (NES)

"With an Internet connection rate reaching 40 percent, Wii owners have more options than ever to find the kinds of games they love to play, Beyond the Wii Shop Channel, all types of people are getting connected and checking out the information and entertainment options available on the Wii Menu. Whether voting, creating a Mii or just checking the weather, everyone has a favorite channel." The Wii Shop Channel is one of the many entertainment and informational channels that are available via the Wii system. Others include the Forecast Channel, the News Channel, the Mii Channel, the Everybody Votes Channel, the Photo Channel and the Internet Channel. Each of these broadens the appeal of Wii to new audiences and draws in consumers who might not otherwise be interested in a video game system.
George Harrison, Nintendo of America's senior vice president of marketing and corporate communications.

Be sure to stick around for further Wii updates...

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