Nintendo News | S-E Talk Final Fantasy IV DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.06.2007 4

In a recent edition of Famitsu, Final Fantasy III DS producer Tomoya Asano and Executive Producer, Director Takashi Tokita discussed the success of the DS remake of the classic Square RPG along with hopes for the upcoming FFIV update also for Nintendo's portable.

Thanks to GameBrink for the translation..

  • Tokita feels that the DS version of FFIII achieves both quality visually and provides a good atmosphere, thinking that the team could manage another title just as good so decided to port the fourth installment in the same style.
  • Matrix, the team who worked on the DS version of FFIII will also follow through with IV. From S-E, Mr. Tokita acts as the director and Hiroyuki Itou, who helped throughout the series will help with the battle system side of things.
  • Characters have been designed to follow Mr. Amano's designs.
  • With the original version, around 14 people worked on just about everything

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    Guest 02.06.2007#1

    God I need to play it again. Game will not be out for another 1.5 years anyway.

    Sounds excellent. I really can't wait, bring on 2010!!

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    As long as it's not as ridiculous as FFIII (Oh man did I curse a lot) I'll get this.

    tiamat1990 said:
    As long as its not as ridiculous as FFIII (Oh man did I curse a lot) Ill get this.
    Why? Too many random battles?

    The only reason I cursed on FFIII was because if you died you had to start from your last save (oh dear...) rather than starting from last town. & there were no saves in dungeons. I'm sure that was a pain in the last dungeon, but I havn't done that yet.

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