Nintendo Media | Smash Update: Delfino Plaza in a Brawl

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.06.2007 44

Residents of one of the Mushroom Kingdom's most popular tourist destinations, Delfino Plaza, are in for some Nintendo action as combatants from Super Smash Bros. Brawl are going on a short holiday according to today's Smash Update.

The level, inspired from the GameCube's Mario Sunshine, takes players on a scenic adventure in the skies around the island making a few landing points for players to continue their brawling antics. According to producer Sakurai, "The changing scenery is so beautiful, you get absorbed in it."

Be sure to stick around for more Super Smash Bros. Brawl updates..

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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Oh, god, those bloody Island inhabitant whatchamacallits are back then? Still, great looking stage, and does this signify the use of the F.L.U.D.D as a useable item?

Darkspine Sonic said:
Oh, god, those bloody Island inhabitant whatchamacallits are back then? Still, great looking stage, and does this signify the use of the F.L.U.D.D as a useable item?

That would be a quality item, or at least a good alternative to the Mario clones. The level looks alright, nothing special from those stills - shots we've seen before look a lot better (background wise).

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

ah, but it brings back memories of a really really really fun game...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Duffman ~~~~~~~~~
"If you make yourself really small, you can externalize virtually everything", Daniel Dennett

That's from Sunshine innit? ^_^

theduffman said:
ah, but it brings back memories of a really really really fun game...

yeah i fucking love mario sunshine Smilie I LOVE YOU NINTENDO Smilie

look like u can fight in more then one area on the same ones hmm i hope u can pick what one u want to fight on

Jump_button said:
look like u can fight in more then one area on the same ones hmm i hope u can pick what one u want to fight on

no you move around the stage in a flying soucer{spell?} similair to Fzero race

( Edited on 01.06.2007 11:49 by bla bla bla )

Great to see, one of my favourite Mario-themed locations.

looks a lot less brightly coloured than in the original, i hope it doesn't look worse. Awesome idea for a level though!

lets hope for F.L.U.D.D. and the ability to through loads of fruit!

( Edited on 01.06.2007 12:49 by tismatron )

Damnit, those screens look sweet, & that stage looks very cool too! Finally getting some new stuff! Guess we'll see even more on Monday.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I want this game sooooo badly!!!

Looks very nice indeed. I'm sure this game is complete by now... people should really check out the official website, they've got new weapons up with explainations as to how they work.

Delfino Plaza is like... The most beautiful thing in any game ever *.*


Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Wow such Lush backgrounds, It would be good if there would be more freedom around the area or a choice of different areas.

Just looking at theses screens make me want to play sunshine! Even if it was too easy, using the fludd was fun.

They're really not 'Lush' at all... The more I look at it the more I think it looks worse than the original... I mean look at this:

It's an AWFUL screen, and you can still tell there's more detail there than in the Smash Bros screens... Disappointing ;-;

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Wow, that is a contrast, but of course they would change the amount of detail in the game. They improved the stages on Melee in nearly every single on except the 5 original ones from SSB.

I liked the gameplay and the graphics of the original. I can't see how it is disappointing, since it was made after so they had more time to improve. And I was starting to forget how colourful shineshine was with the look at these new screens.

Very nice level! I wonder what type of other levels they will bring in.

What the hell are you talking about... The whole point I was making is that it's not improved, it looks worse than the original...

I do think it's good that they've toned down the colours slightly to fit more with the slightly more realistic style of Smash Bros though. It would look a bit out of place if it was as bright as Sunshine

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Urm, I think it looks way better than the original, but yeah, unlike most SSB stages are, it looks very similar to the original in terms of layout.

Still, the resolution will be much better anywhoos.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Maybe this is the time Mario did not have very many shines, Rember when it was slightly darker?


I love it how the stage is dynamic, I loved moving stages in Melee. I am thinking there will be a lot more of these in Brawl, which is definitely a good thing. Big Blue was one of the most enjoyable maps (too bad the AI are so dumb).

Slightly? It was WAY darker. Look at the top of the screen I posted ;3

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Look at the first screen, you can see the big shine isn't clean all the way.

That should explain the darkness, but the quality looks great to me.

Megadanxzero said:
Slightly? It was WAY darker. Look at the top of the screen I posted ;3

Then again throught sunshine the amount of light changes as you progress through the game, Delfino Plaza at the begining of the game is dark, and the screen you posted shows the game later (thus the 3 fludd boxes). Maybe in the actual game the amount of shineshine will increase as the time goes on. The changing background would be pretty kl.

Remember time of day changes in Brawl...

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