Not to mention, Diddy Kongs Quest was the only good DK game IMO, so I am glad they are gone. Now they are just making crappy X-Box games that do not sell well. They might as well sell womans cosmetics to men while they are at it.
Have you played any of their Xbox games, by any chance? I really enjoyed Grabbed by the Ghoulies - their ONLY real Xbox game in my opinion - and a think it was undeserving of the panning it got. Perfect Dark Zero might not have lived up to expectations, but I've heard Kameo is an enjoyable experience, and Viva Pinata has recieved a ton of praise in reviews.
I agree that Rare knew better than anybody what they doing with the Donkey Kong series, though. Namco and Nintendo themselves don't have a CLUE what DKC is about.
Paon, on the other hand, do. They're the next best thing to Rare when it comes to Donkey Kong. I'm really hoping they're the team working on the next proper Donkey Kong platformer.
Well anyway, do we know how this is going to control??
Remember when it was a Gamecube game, and you had to tap the left bongo to move left, and the right bongo to move right? It's the same here, but you're just waving the nunchuck and remote instead. There's no free movement with the analog stick, though.
Sounds pretty bad really, but the original bongo controls sounded really fun. It might turn out to be really fun.
( Edited on 29.05.2007 16:14 by Eblel )