Nintendo Media | DK Taru Jet Screens

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.05.2007 50

Nintendo have released a selection of fresh shots from the upcoming DK: Jet Race on Wii revealing the classic simian icon doing his thing on a series of snazzy courses from the Donkey Kong universe.

Be sure to look through the DK Jet screens album below for more shots. Thanks to GameFront for the tip.

Box art for Donkey Kong: Jet Race
Also known as

Donkey Kong: Barrel Blast









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Looks very interesting, does anyone know if it still uses GC bongos? It should come with some really.

Bottom screen is very interesting, are there some platformer sections?

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Looking more interesting now...more diverse.
It would lose something without bongo controll, however.

Jungle Beat worked so well because it was so weird. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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...I have no idea what is going on in those screens.

Matt Casanovamandudeguy (from IGN) said in his blog a while back that the bongo controls have been scrapped in favor of the Wii Remote.

Hence the name-change.

I'm still interested though, if only for the hopes of getting a new Diddy Kong Racing - it looks pretty nice so far!

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

Superlink said:
Looks very interesting, does anyone know if it still uses GC bongos? It should come with some really.Bottom screen is very interesting, are there some platformer sections?

Spydarlee said:
Matt Casanovamandudeguy (from IGN) said in his blog a while back that the bongo controls have been scrapped in favor of the Wii Remote.Hence the name-change.Im still interested though, if only for the hopes of getting a new Diddy Kong Racing - it looks pretty nice so far!

Aye, I'm sure I remember reporting a while back that it uses Wii remote/nunchuck combo - will be pretty interesting to see!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Darn, that's a real shame IMO, I hope they find a way to make it work, but I don't think it'll be the same without bongo controls...

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Actually i'd prefer to use the Bongo controllers, would be quite fun to do. I guess we will have to go with yet another boring Wii-mote side ways...

Does look fairly nice though. This should delay Mario Kart for a lil while. I wonder if Mario will make a cameo apperance in it, quite like DK does in Mario Karrt?

It's just not Donkey Kong without Rare though, is it?

I think we can give up hope that this'll have a Bongo option. Damn shame. It doesn't look too bad though.

Less posty, more gamey.

Oni-Ninja said:
Its just not Donkey Kong without Rare though, is it?
Not necessarily. Donkey Kong Jungle Beat was one of the best games in the history of the world ever (EVER)... This might have been alright if they'd left in the bongo controls. All the game was was bongo controls, so you can bet it'll be pretty awful without them...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

I believe this is being made by Namco, so will probably be missing something, like Mario Kart GP.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I thought Mario Kart GP looked pretty good. Much better than Double Dash anyway. I mean for a start they were actually in Karts...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Everybody who plays it says it just doesn't quite feel right.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I believe this is being made by Namco, so will probably be missing something, like Mario Kart GP.

Nope, it's a developer called Paon. They made the really cool King of Swing, too.

I'm really excited for this. We've not seen a proper Donkey Kong game on a home console in years - as really good as Jungle Beat was, it wasn't Donkey Kong Country - so this'll do very nicely until the inevitable proper Donkey Kong Country adventure.

Nice to see minecarts are back!

hmmm it looks quite interesting and fun!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Looks like a Mario Kart distraction. Kirby's Air Ride anyone?

i was going through the screens and there is one in there with bongos Smilie or is it an old screenshot??

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Oni-Ninja said:
Its just not Donkey Kong without Rare though, is it?

Phew, good thing I am not stuck in the past so I can enjoy new games.

This game looks good, the ideas seem good, I just have to wait for some video of the controls to verify it will not be just another blah video game.

Not to mention, Diddy Kongs Quest was the only good DK game IMO, so I am glad they are gone. Now they are just making crappy X-Box games that do not sell well. They might as well sell womans cosmetics to men while they are at it.

Can you tell that I think Rare is over hyped? Smilie

I don't now whether I like the graphics or not...I love how colourful it is (the sky definitely looks nice) but, something looks weird.

Well anyway, do we know how this is going to control??

Not to mention, Diddy Kongs Quest was the only good DK game IMO, so I am glad they are gone. Now they are just making crappy X-Box games that do not sell well. They might as well sell womans cosmetics to men while they are at it.

Have you played any of their Xbox games, by any chance? I really enjoyed Grabbed by the Ghoulies - their ONLY real Xbox game in my opinion - and a think it was undeserving of the panning it got. Perfect Dark Zero might not have lived up to expectations, but I've heard Kameo is an enjoyable experience, and Viva Pinata has recieved a ton of praise in reviews.

I agree that Rare knew better than anybody what they doing with the Donkey Kong series, though. Namco and Nintendo themselves don't have a CLUE what DKC is about.

Paon, on the other hand, do. They're the next best thing to Rare when it comes to Donkey Kong. I'm really hoping they're the team working on the next proper Donkey Kong platformer.

Well anyway, do we know how this is going to control??

Remember when it was a Gamecube game, and you had to tap the left bongo to move left, and the right bongo to move right? It's the same here, but you're just waving the nunchuck and remote instead. There's no free movement with the analog stick, though.

Sounds pretty bad really, but the original bongo controls sounded really fun. It might turn out to be really fun.Smilie

( Edited on 29.05.2007 16:14 by Eblel )

Sidepocket said:
Oni-Ninja said:Its just not Donkey Kong without Rare though, is it?
Phew, good thing I am not stuck in the past so I can enjoy new games.

Don't patronize me, please.

Sidepocket said:
This game looks good, the ideas seem good, I just have to wait for some video of the controls to verify it will not be just another blah video game.Not to mention, Diddy Kongs Quest was the only good DK game IMO, so I am glad they are gone. Now they are just making crappy X-Box games that do not sell well. They might as well sell womans cosmetics to men while they are at it.Can you tell that I think Rare is over hyped? Smilie

Why do you care so much about sales figures? And how on earth are Rare's Xbox games 'crappy'? They all got 8s and 9s out of 10 Smilie

I think you're just trying to be argumentative.

Sidepocket said:
Now they are just making crappy X-Box games that do not sell well.

I couldn't give a fuck if they sell well. They're fucking talented developers creating interesting and involving games.

Edit. Ah, Oni got there before me. Bastard!

( Edited on 29.05.2007 16:17 by artmonkey )

Less posty, more gamey.

I argue that Rare's games have not gotten any worse, they just aren't the shining light on Xbox because, Xbox is a console that actually has other great games... Smilie

Let's face it, Rare's N64 games were amazing, but they were nearly the only ones worth owning. This is not the case on Xbox, which makes it seem like Rare were better on the N64, when in reality, they've just got alot more good competition, now. Well that's my theory, anyway.

( Edited on 29.05.2007 16:22 by Oni )

Nah. We've talked a few times how Perfect Dark was a technical masterpiece. Goldeneye was pretty revolutionary, Banjo Kazooie still has barely aged. Rare have definitely dipped slightly, or it's just their game making techniques haven't quite moved with the times.

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

Well, I wouldn't argue that they aren't putting out the instant classics that they were back in the day, but then, no-one else who was then still is now, either. Let's face it, they're still a development house of pure class and quality.

( Edited on 29.05.2007 16:31 by Oni )

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