I feel its too early for Mario Kart to be announced, Nintendo have got to many 1st party projects on the way already such as Mario Party8, MP3,Pokemon (Wii) Super Smash Bros and Mario Galaxy,Fire Emblem Donkey Kong Barrel Blast or whatever and to see a new Zelda and Mario Kart game for 2008 is a bit too soon. Perhaps 2009 Nintendo. Let alone with Disaster and Project Hammer!
What i would like to see is an F-Zero Game, Waverace Game, Donkey Kong platformer. Did they ever mention Pikmin 3 or new Wario platformer?
I have both Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime 2, I have got about 38% through on Prime then couldnt be bothered, i havnt touched Prime2 due to not completing Prime 1, but for some reason Prime 3 makes me wanna buy it because of the Wii controls and the fact it actually looks like an amazing game! Time will tell though.
I dont really care for the tacked on Wii controls for Smash Bros, its nice to be able to use it, and covers Nintendo arse for people complaining that they would have to fork out on other controllers (GC/Classic) to play the game.
The new character better be some one thats ACTUALLY new, in other words a character that hasnt featured in the past 2 games. I dont even care if its 3rd party or not, just a new character!