Nintendo Rumours | Metroid, Mario Galaxy, Mario Kart, Zelda Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.05.2007 39

With the printed-press-only section of the recent Nintendo Media Summit done and dusted some interesting rumors have hit the web with some interesting information supposedly from upcoming existing and unannounced titles and Nintendo developments.

The information details various titles due for release this year, providing some hands-on for press along with a show-reel of upcoming projects from some familiar and new names. Remember, the information below is unconfirmed, so consider it as speculation for now.

A summary of the original post (NeoGAF/GameTrailers):

Metroid Prime 3 Corruption (Wii)

  • Release date: 20/08/2007
  • Visual improvements since the original build, "wow" factor.
  • No competitive online mode for Prime 3 but will be used for fresh content to expand the game's default features

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    What kind of game is "Disaster: day of Crisis supposed to be"?

    There can't be a new Zelda release already can there? I know that Twilight Princess was delayed for over a year but still a bit too soon for it to be created.

    They told us TP would be gritty...

    Anyhow, if all of this is true, I'm a happy bunny ^_^

    Wow, this lot is almost too good to be true (and so it probably isn't real), but if it is - the gaming press who turned up and were only treated to Brain Age 2 and the like, well they're gonna be mighty pissed.

    Zelda + Mario Kart (Online) + Demo Channel + Big Three (With Wi-Fi compatibility to some extent) before Christmas + Animal Crossing (Online) + The Rest = Much Win.

    Nothing sounds ridiculous on its own, but seeing it altogether is quite overwhelming. Looking forward to confirmation (and hopefully that video reel they speak of!)

    ( Edited on 27.05.2007 15:25 by Spydarlee )

    Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

    This sounds awesome - the kind of things that make the Wii a top-caliber system. I'm looking forward to it, and I hope the bit about Metroid Prime having downloadable content is true. Would be awesome.

    And I am PSYCHED that they are already at work on the new Zelda. Get it out quickly, I personally (probably the only one on the site) loved Twilight Princess. I look forward to what they do next. Smilie

    I'm hoping that some brave reporter brought a video cell phone into the place. Keep watching youtube, you never know!

    ( Edited on 27.05.2007 15:14 by Jacob4000 )

    I call fake.

    { Monkey Wii. ~ Nirbis Hater ~ Nintendo Fanboy }

    Dark Zelda? Emo Link? they maybe could release something on Zelda, but i think its fake, not all of it but partially, how can the Wii download maps with 512mb of space? with net channel and VC, the space is pretty small... maybe an announcement on a HDD drive which is CHEAP?? Smilie

    Vision Red sounds interesting. I wonder who's developing it...
    Don't expect a new Zelda until around 2 years from now Smilie I mean, Twilight Princess took a little less than 2 years from when it was shown at E3 2005. Smilie

    I wonder when Corruption will make it's way to Europe Smilie

    World of epic proportion = 3x smaller than Mario 64.

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    Don't believe in much of this... it sounds more like what we all hope to see... but we won't.

    Stop sitting on your lazy fat ass, and go get yourself Super Paper Mario, RIGHT NOW! Then you can sit on your lazy fat ass and play it for hours and hours

    I feel its too early for Mario Kart to be announced, Nintendo have got to many 1st party projects on the way already such as Mario Party8, MP3,Pokemon (Wii) Super Smash Bros and Mario Galaxy,Fire Emblem Donkey Kong Barrel Blast or whatever and to see a new Zelda and Mario Kart game for 2008 is a bit too soon. Perhaps 2009 Nintendo. Let alone with Disaster and Project Hammer!

    What i would like to see is an F-Zero Game, Waverace Game, Donkey Kong platformer. Did they ever mention Pikmin 3 or new Wario platformer?

    I have both Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime 2, I have got about 38% through on Prime then couldnt be bothered, i havnt touched Prime2 due to not completing Prime 1, but for some reason Prime 3 makes me wanna buy it because of the Wii controls and the fact it actually looks like an amazing game! Time will tell though.

    I dont really care for the tacked on Wii controls for Smash Bros, its nice to be able to use it, and covers Nintendo arse for people complaining that they would have to fork out on other controllers (GC/Classic) to play the game.

    The new character better be some one thats ACTUALLY new, in other words a character that hasnt featured in the past 2 games. I dont even care if its 3rd party or not, just a new character!

    All to perfect to fans wishes to be true. Cant be real.

    Yea its gotta be fake, it all sounds like a big dream.

    Super Smash Bros Brawl Report suggests these moves feel tacked on

    ...every persons dream....

    aside from that though the report does sound like the wet dream i had about george michael last night

    Keep them talks about george to your self we dont want to hear that.SmilieSmilie


    d.v.n.e said:
    Keep them talks about george to your self we dont want to hear that.SmilieSmilie

    Speak for yourselfSmilie

    C3 Drag Queen said:
    Super Smash Bros Brawl Report suggests these moves feel tacked on
    ...every persons dream....aside from that though the report does sound like the wet dream i had about george michael last night

    Smilie Don't spoil the magic coming from this list with talks of GM! This list is great, Hopefully it's all true, I'm not bothered about Smash Bros controls as I'll be using either the classic or gamecube controller anyway for that game.Smilie

    ( Edited on 27.05.2007 19:12 by IfritXVII )

    This does seem to be too good, but if all turns out to be true, it will leave me with a serious boner....i mean smile.

    One complaint would be that Smash's release date of Dec 11th presumably in the Americas, doesn't bode well for Europe.

    C3 Drag Queen said:
    What i would like to see is an F-Zero Game, Waverace Game, Donkey Kong platformer. Did they ever mention Pikmin 3 or new Wario platformer?

    Star'd i have been absolutely gagging for Pikmin 3 and a new Donkey Kong Country.

    ( Edited on 27.05.2007 19:21 by Co Chief Resident John Dorian )

    Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

    C3 Drag Queen said:
    I feel its too early for Mario Kart to be announced, Nintendo have got to many 1st party projects on the way already such as Mario Party8, MP3,Pokemon (Wii) Super Smash Bros and Mario Galaxy,Fire Emblem Donkey Kong Barrel Blast or whatever and to see a new Zelda and Mario Kart game for 2008 is a bit too soon. Perhaps 2009 Nintendo.

    Personally that's the one thing that makes me think this is real. All those games you listed are supposed to be coming out this year so unless Nintendo are absolutely insane (Granted, they often do appear to be) they would surely have some games ready for next year. They'd be incredibly stupid not to have a Mario Kart game ready for next year (Or at least already in development). Zelda seems a bit unlikely for next year looking at how long past Zelda games have taken to make and assuming that they're gonna change it properly this time, but look at how early they showed off the first trailer of TP... 2 and a half years before it actually came out... (I think... E3 2004 right?)

    Of course while I hope this is true I really doubt it. The graphics comments (particularly 'You will finally say

    Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

    Hahahaha, so fake it's funny.

    The info was originally posted on IGN. Matt Casamassina who was at the event wrote in the thread:

    Hah. Great fiction. Total BS, but a nice story.

    There. Proof it's fake.

    ( Edited on 27.05.2007 20:54 by CuRoi )

    CuRoi said:
    The info was originally posted on IGN. Matt Casamassina who was at the event wrote in the thread:
    Hah. Great fiction. Total BS, but a nice story.
    There. Proof its fake. Edited on 27.05.2007 20:54 by CuRoi )

    Ohhh Smilie

    Oh well i still have my lovely george

    WOW that sounds too good to be true! But if it was true i would wet myself!!

    ( Edited on 27.05.2007 21:19 by Milk! )

    I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

    That "Demo Channel" sounds awesome especially for the Virtual Console. Half the games on there I would like to try before I buy. My biggest hope for the Demo Channel is that we will be able to download demos of games that Nintendo and the third party developers are making before they release. Like maybe a nice, little demo of Super Smash Bros. Brawl with Wario, Pit, Snake, or Zero Suit Samus as your trial character and a classic stage to play on. And throwing in that new "Gooey Bomb" to play with would be a hoot! But I think that would be totally awesome and I hope Nintendo will do something like that.

    Also that "Vision Red" RPG sounds very interesting. My big question is can Nintendo pull off an original RPG series on a Final Fantasy scale?

    I have absolutely no idea whether to believe this or not... It sounds real, but it also sounds like something cleverly schemed up.

    In any case, I think the most interesting thing there is Zelda Wii, if it's true I hope we see something at E3.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    CuRoi said:
    The info was originally posted on IGN. Matt Casamassina who was at the event wrote in the thread:
    Hah. Great fiction. Total BS, but a nice story.
    There. Proof its fake. Edited on 27.05.2007 20:54 by CuRoi )

    Why did you have to ruin the moment. Smilie

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