Nintendo DS/Wii Line-up | Summer 2007: Metroid Prime, Mario Strikers and more...

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.05.2007 27

Nintendo of America have released a handful of delicious dates for upcoming games launching this summer for Wii and DS, including the much anticipated Metroid Prime finale and Mario Strikers for Wii along with Picross DS, Brain Age 2 and DK Jungle Climber for DS.

Nintendo Wii

July 30Mario Strikers ChargedNintendo
Aug. 20Metroid Prime 3 CorruptionNintendo
SeptemberBattalion Wars 2Nintendo
Aug. 14High School Musical: Sing It!Disney Interactive Studios
Aug. 14Madden NFL '08EA
AugustTiger Woods PGA Tour '08EA
AugustSpace Station TycoonNamco Bandai
AugustBrunswick Pro BowlingCrave
AugustDave Mirra BMX ChallengeCrave
AugustPinball Hall of Fame: The Williams CollectionCrave
SeptemberBrothers in ArmsUbisoft
SeptemberLooney Tunes: Acme ArsenalWarner Bros.
SeptemberGeorge of the JungleCrave

Nintendo DS

July 30Picross DSNintendo
Aug. 20Brain Age 2: More Training in Minutes a DayNintendo
Sept. 10DK Jungle ClimberNintendo
Sept. 24Chibi-Robo: Park PatrolNintendo
JulyNamco Museum DSNamco Bandai
JulyDrake & JoshTHQ
JulyGlory Days 2Eidos
Aug. 14Madden NFL '08EA
Aug. 14High School Musical: Makin' the Cut!Disney Interactive Studios
Aug. 14Heroes of ManaSquare-Enix
AugustI SPY: Fun HouseActivision
AugustJewel Quest ExpeditionActivision
AugustTiger Woods PGA Tour '08EA
AugustWorms: Open Warfare 2THQ
AugustLuminous ArcAtlus
AugustMega Man Star Force: PegasusCapcom
AugustMega Man Star Force: LeoCapcom
AugustMega Man Star Force: DragonCapcom
AugustOperation: VietnamMajesco
AugustTurn It AroundMajesco
AugustThe Wild WestMajesco
AugustFulllmetal Alchemist Trading Card GameDestineer
SeptemberDrawn to LifeTHQ
SeptemberZoey 101THQ
SeptemberCrayola Teasure AdventuresCrave
SeptemberNancy Drew: The Deadly Secret of Olde World ParkMajesco
SeptemberHolly Hobbie & FriendsMajesco
SeptemberPhoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials and TribulationsCapcom
SeptemberLooney Tunes: Duck AmuckWarner Bros.
SeptemberPet Luv Spa & Resort TycoonActivision
SeptemberAnimal GeniusActivision
SeptemberGeorge of the JungleCrave
SeptemberJam SessionsUbisoft
SeptemberProfessor BrainiumDestineer
SeptemberIndy 500 LegendsDestineer

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    I do NOT like how Smash is entirely absent from that list. Smilie

    Never expected Smash to be on there anyway.

    So the DS has got a shit load of shit games? Apart from Pheonix Wrights there is nothing else on that list that is even worth concidering....i mean Jake and Josh from THQ will probabaly sell its entire shipment to idiots that think the game will be as good as the programme...shame on them

    Aye, tis a Summer list which is unfortunate - hopefully it'll hit around September/October time, but if that's the case they it's likely it'll be held off until nearer Xmas time.

    Fairly good list regardless, DS seems to be on a decent high but the Wii really needs a fair chunk more to fill the summer gap.

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    Tiger woods '08 released in August. That's a joke. That's only two thirds of the year gone by

    I'm expecting a Smashing XMAS, sounds the most likely to me. Hey at this rate I won't be surprised to see it slip into Q1 2008. I'm not really bothered though, I think they should take as much time as they need on it. Definitely not a game that should be rushed.

    Also, very strangely Sonic Rush Adventure isn't on the list? It's put down for an August release, so if it's not on there, could it be Sonic Team actually want to take a little time on the game? Rather than it being a Sonic Rushed Adventure?

    That's good, unless Nintendo just forgot to put it on there. Then that's bad.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    I'll believe that date on Metroid Prime 3 when I'm holding it in my hands!

    By the way. Am I the only one that noticed Chibi-Robo is down for September 24th?

    Screw Halo 3! CHIBI-ROBO!!!! SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie

    I thought it'd never see the light of day! I hope we get more on it soon, I can't get enough of the little guy. :3

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Yep, those pining for the big, big Wii releases (MP3 and BW2 excepted) should wait for the Q4 schedule.

    Autumn and Winter is when everyone's inside playing console games (other than you weird hardcore gamer people who are allegic to sunlight).

    "This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

    I actually think I'm allergic to sunlight o.0;

    No, not allergic, I just get a headache quite easily. I think I'm a blood hating vampire or something.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    I agree with jag ar godjartad:cooldude:

    Temporarily banned until further notice.

    Yes. Words of wisdom all the way. Smilie

    EDIT: & as if by magic! Smilie

    ( Edited on 21.05.2007 15:16 by SuperLink )

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Keeping my eyes peeled for 'High School Musical.' Smilie

    But seriously, no SSBB doesn't bode well.

    So, we've another good six months before anything decent hits for the Wii in Europe. That's fantastic, that really is. At which point, I'd imagine my Xbox 360 and copy of Halo 3 will have consumed me. Smilie

    Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

    July 30 Mario Strikers Charged Nintendo
    Aug. 20 Metroid Prime 3 Corruption Nintendo
    September Battalion Wars 2 Nintendo
    Sept. 24 Chibi-Robo: Park Patrol Nintend

    Yay lots of nintendo goodness - i'm happy.

    Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

    Chibi-Robo PWNS Halo.

    Any day.

    So stop being so negative. D:

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Woot only one game for me on a Nintendo console this summer.

    Metroid Prime 3 Corruption.

    Yay, and stuff.

    Wo33eR ::: Wo33eR.CoM Website :: Cubed-3 :: [ General Writer :: Reveiwer ]

    34,723/1,119,437 - World :: 6,399/137,860 - UK

    I don't know how you can't all be ecstatic about Chibi-Robo. Smilie

    It'll be way better than MP3 anyway.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Superlink said:
    Chibi-Robo PWNS Halo.Any day.So stop being so negative. D:

    Why are you so obsessed with comparing stuff to Halo? Do you feel threatened?

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    Grumbler said:
    Why are you so obsessed with comparing stuff to Halo? Do you feel threatened?
    Eh? Since when have I compared much to Halo at all? I was only comparing Chibi Robo with it because the release dates are so incredibly close.

    So I get Chibi-Robo, I no longer have need to be jealous of XBOX 360 owners.

    EDIT: Other than that, I've only compared Metroid to Halo, & that's because the same thing happened again & again with the releases of the previous 2 Halo & Metroid Prime games. I even said I preferred Halo, so I don't see what your problem is. Smilie

    ( Edited on 21.05.2007 16:31 by SuperLink )

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Sorry I'm reading between too many posts again.

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    I side with Grumbler on this one, comparing Chibi-Robo: Park Patrol to Halo 3 is like comparing Tennis to Soup.

    On one hand I would say the whole idea is a little silly and pointless as it is always likely to spark an argument. And to be honest saying it owns Halo 3 twice clearly makes you look like you are trying to come across as a Fanboy on purpose.

    On the other hand, come on, every aspect that could declare a game to "own" another, Halo 3 will "own" Chibi-Robo: Park Patrol. Sales, Hype, (Probably)Overall review opinion, Players, Discussions etc etc etc.

    So yeah, don't do it. It is not needed.

    Wo33eR ::: Wo33eR.CoM Website :: Cubed-3 :: [ General Writer :: Reveiwer ]

    34,723/1,119,437 - World :: 6,399/137,860 - UK

    It's nice how everyone's so different. The game from this list I'm personally looking forward to IMMENSELY, is Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber.

    Then it's Luninous Arc! I'm still unsure about Metroid Prime 3 - if it's more like the original Metroid Prime I'll be very interested, but if it's like the second, I'll pass.

    It's not really worth picking up a Wii until at least the end of the year. But that's only because there's nothing that interests me in the Wii's current lineup.Smilie

    everything seems to be lookoing good, can't wait for metriod prime 3

    When I say Chibi-Robo pwns Halo, I mean as if to say I enjoy Chibi-Robo immensly, & I'm sure the DS version will be brilliant enough for me to not care about whether I have Halo or not.

    They're not comparable as games. As I've said already, they're released within a day or two of each other, & that's how I can compare them, it's a simple case of "what would I rather buy?" & though you may think it's weird, I'd genuinly rather buy Chibi Robo if I owned a 360 & a DS. & that's that.

    Halo 3 WILL pwn Chibi Robo in terms of sales & popularity (perhaps not in Japan) but in terms of how good the game is (reviews) I wouldn't toss Chibi-Robo aside just yet.

    & I think we've already decided that I'm not a fanboy anyway. Smilie

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!! Where's Smash Brawl & Mario Galaxy!!! *starts frantically looking around moniter*

    Chance favors the prepared mind.

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