over at Gamasutra about numerous Nintendo-related subjects, such as Resident Evil 4 and the topic of new downloadable content on Wii. Head inside for more details..." /> News: Nintendo News | Capcom Talks Wii Download Content Page 1 - Cubed3

Nintendo News | Capcom Talks Wii Download Content

By Adam Riley 20.05.2007 15

Capcom's Christian Svensson, Senior Director of Strategic Planning & Research, was recently interviewed by the good folk over at Gamasutra about numerous Nintendo-related subjects, such as Resident Evil 4 and the topic of new downloadable content on Wii.

First of all it was revealed that the company has received praise for its budget pricing of the Wii edition of Resident Evil 4 and Svensson states he believes the Wii iteration will "be the best version of the four" (GameCube, PlayStation 2, PC and Wii).

Moving quickly onto the hot topic of when or if we will see fresh downloadable content via the Virtual Console service, he states it definitely it on the way, but is taking longer than expected. Capcom is eager to bring new content to Wii, especially the updates of Street Fighter and Puzzle Fighter that are coming to PS3 and 360, however, because of the delay in Nintendo launching its service, Capcom is "thinking about ways that we can get that content to them, perhaps not downloaded, but perhaps with a consolidated retail SKU. We're still just tossing around ideas in our head." So unless Nintendo gets its act together soon, Wii owners could well get the rough end of the stick and have to pay more for a retail release game.

Finally, he added we must realise that all hope is not lost on downloadable content:

Gamasutra: But downloadable original content is possible? It's been hinted that it's possible, but it's still not coming yet.

CS: It's possible. I think you'll have to talk more to Nintendo about that. It's not a technical limitation thing, though. We're certainly going to be able to deliver. It's really more of them getting their process in place for approvals and their pipeline in place.

I know they have loads of people who want to make content, but I think it's a matter of some people turning on the spigot. We've been asked about bringing our stuff over. It's going to happen. Once that spigot is opened and the floodgates are unleashed, I'm sure you'll see loads of it.

You can read the full interview here.

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There's only one thing worse than no online feature and that's a very crappy one.

Nintendo really need to sort out their online department because with this, VC pricing and friends codes they are really buggering up their online mode.

Matthew Evans [ Writer :: Moderator :: King of Impartiality :: Lord of the 15min Thread ] As the wind blows the sand to cover the camel's tracks so does time move to cover the Lord's.
Rejoice for the Lord will taketh his quarter and give much back to his followers.

It depends on how you see it. Nintendo took its time with its DS online features, and they have been heralded as a major success. I would say thats incentive enough to give them the benefit of the doubt for a while longer.

I agree however, that VC pricing is off-putting. You spend money for points, you then use those points to purchase what you want. The problem is that outside the VC store, those points are useless. On the other hand, spending "points" is a bit easier to take in, as opposed to spending money.

Friend codes need to go somewhere quiet and die a lonely death. I would have been happy if Wii used a system where your "friend code" was the ID number printed on your Wii. One code for everybody, much less hassle.

I don't post much, but I will appreciate any feedback on the posts I do make. Feel free to PM

A major success? Only by Nintendo fanboys, too blind to see its shiteness.

Nintendo do not deserve the benefit of the doubt. Considering online play began last generation and the most they did was have a broadband connection its quite perfetic. Especially when you have a competitor (microsoft) who have been praised by everyone for the service they delivered its not like they have to look far for inspiration. These friend codes are perfetic there is such a simple solution a single password enabled service like the parental controls to allow adults to play anyone they want online. Whilst kids can enter friend codes and suffer on their own.

It's perfetic.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Quite pathetic indeed, given the amount of developers that have now expressed their interest in supporting Nintendo on the new download content front. Why Nintendo is holding back is anyone's guess...but it has to change soon or else developers will get fed up and just support the PSN and XBLA services instead.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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sorry Grumbler (pathetic) I forget that people that read and write on game forums mostly consist of the bitchy don't get enough sunlight have to comment on grammar and spelling types. this paragraph isnt up to scratch too, I know; missings caps and the lot. sorry once again.

"A major success? Only by Nintendo fanboys, too blind to see its shiteness."

Look at the figures for number of users. It can not be called anything other then a success.

We might want advanced features, but simple and free is what gets the big userbase.

People forget that Nintendo must be spending *absolutely shitloads* to get Nintendo DS's online free at almost every major hotspot Nintendo in the world.

I mean, the center mile of London is now effectively becomeing one massive free Cloud hotspot...
...which DS users can use for free.

Incidently, while Nintendo should certainly hurry up, dont underestimate how hard it is to get online downloads of new games.
Its not the technical stuff, its the legal shit.
Xbox Live games even when finnished takes many months for microsoft to "approve" them, and for them to be rated, lisenced, and put for download.

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meeto_0 said:
sorry Grumbler (pathetic) I forget that people that read and write on game forums mostly consist of the bitchy dont get enough sunlight have to comment on grammar and spelling types. this paragraph isnt up to scratch too, I know; missings caps and the lot. sorry once again.

I apologise for finding your spelling mistake amusing, I'll try and be more po-faced in future.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Don't agree Darkflame. You might be one of those blind sighted fans knightly mentioned in his post. The service so far equates to nothing more than an online shop to buy over priced games. The VC shop hurts to look at. Its really designed POORLY (interface wise). No load bar when downloading shows how far out of water this BIG fish is. No online play has hurt some games so far. 4player split screen on its own is like sooo 1997 lol (that was typed like that deliberately I don't speak like that) What I dont understand is nintendo being so adament that the first online game will be from them. I prbably wont even but mario strikers. Will probably experience online play near xmas and thats sad really.

Nintendo's whole online philosophy is rubbish. Here is a list of XBL Arcade games, all of which are original, or updated versions of oldies. I think it obliterated the VC's content, in terms of quality, variety, and pricing.

"success" is one of those words where they can have different definitions depending on the one using that word. Technically speaking, online play for the DS is a success, just take a look at the numbers. Socially speaking, it's a bit clunky when compared to what Microsoft offers.

VC and online play for Wii are two very different things. One cannot warrant the other.

If the number of users that use the Wi-Fi Connection on DS are any indication of whats to come, I'd say give the big N the benefit of the doubt. They are most likely fine-tuning everything to reduce the number of bugs when it does launch.

So what if they dont offer what Microsoft or Sony offer, you can't expect them to copy everything that everyone else is doing, because then they'd be just like S**y

I don't post much, but I will appreciate any feedback on the posts I do make. Feel free to PM

Hey, don't fuck with our loving Grumbler! *g*

Svensson states he believes the Wii iteration will "be the best version of the four" (GameCube, PlayStation 2, PC and Wii).

That's very trough: Cube-version did rock! Then there was PS2 with friggin good added content (I was jealous). Then they did PC-version and that one was terrible, no graphic-effects(!!!), too light and textures dirctly taken from pixel-hell! So Wii-version with added PS2-content, hopefully a bit more graphic-whoreness and Wii-shooting (I sucked with Cube-shooting) and budget-pricing: That's the fairest doing of cash-cowing. No, honestly. No irony intended. Some release their worst games on Wii with full pricing *cough*Ubisoft*cough*. So Capcom take one of their best Cube-game and rerelease it on Wii and produce a non-railway-shooter-horror-game for Wii. I will pick that one up!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Bloody hell, Nintendo really are lazy, & this prooves it, they have so many great opportunities to be equal to XBLA or Sony's Market thingy; but they aren't going to take it because they can't be bothered or something. Surely it's not hard is it? Smilie

Sometimes I can't believe it. Smilie

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I think the big question is will it really be original, or will it be CAPCOM's version of original (As in, another re-make/compilation of an old game like Street Fighter)?

meeto_0 said:
Dont agree Darkflame. You might be one of those blind sighted fans knightly mentioned in his post. The service so far equates to nothing more than an online shop to buy over priced games.
Who's knightly?

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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