Japanese Sales | Nintendo Toppled, PlayStation 3 Falls Below 10,000 Units!

By Adam Riley 19.05.2007 14

The latest Media Create sales data has been released, showing that whilst Nintendo has been toppled on the software side, Sony is having major problems as its PlayStation 3 falls below 10,000 units! Check out the full results below:

Software - 7th-13th May | Total Sales

1.) Final Fantasy Tactics: The Lion War (PSP, Square-Enix) - 154,891 | NEW
2.) Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings (NDS, Square-Enix) - 38,003 | 421,333
3.) Wii Sports (Wii, Nintendo) - 30,180 | 1,573,776
4.) More Brain Training (NDS, Nintendo) - 27,930 | 4,266,115
5.) New Super Mario Bros. (NDS, Nintendo) - 21,332 | 4,440,924
6.) Super Paper Mario (Wii, Nintendo) - 20,670 | 330,851
7.) Wii Play (Wii, Nintendo) - 20,498 | 1,299,628
8.) Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree (Wii, Nintendo) - 20,063 | 117,487
9.) Momotarou Dentetsu DS: Tokyo & Japan (NDS, Hudson) - 18,547 | 143,189
10.) Yoshi's Island DS (NDS, Nintendo) - 17,423 | 808,555

11.) More English Training (NDS, Nintendo)
12.) Brain Training (NDS, Nintendo)
13.) Gyakuten Saiban 4 (NDS, Capcom)
14.) Panel de Pon (NDS, Nintendo)
15.) Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis (NDS, Nintendo)
16.) Mario Kart DS (NDS, Nintendo)
17.) Animal Crossing Wild World (NDS, Nintendo)
18.) Professor Layton and the Mysterious Village (NDS, Level 5)
19.) General Knowledge Training (NDS, Nintendo)
20.) English Training (NDS, Nintendo)
21.) Word Puzzle Mojipittan DS (NDS, Bandai-Namco)
22.) Monster Hunter Portable 2nd (PSP, Capcom)
23.) 1000 Healthy DS Recipes (NDS, Nintendo)
24.) Kanji Brain Test 2M (NDS, IE Institute)
25.) Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker (NDS, Square-Enix)
26.) Wrestling Kingdom 2: Pro Wrestling World War (PS2, Yukes) - NEW
27.) Final Fantasy 20th Anniversary Edition (PSP, Square-Enix)
28.) Cooking Navi (NDS, Nintendo)
29.) Kanji Test (NDS, Rocket Co.)
30.) Tetris DS (NDS, Nintendo)

31.) Pok

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toppled is perhaps a bit strong (although relevent to the loss of the number 1 spot)- 26 out of the top 30 games are Ninty ones!

10,000 units is woefull!. LS


The ps2 is outselling it by 2000 units, oh well the 360 is even worseSmilie

Have any of you's seen last Months US sales yet. Wii sold 360,000 units.

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Apart from DSlite isn't everything really slow this week?

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Blimey, that's a stupid amount of DS. Nintendo going stronger than ever in the homeland then.

Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

Another pwnage week for Nintendo.

By the end of November DS LTD number will be higher than PS2 LTD number.
That's quite impressive

Not surprising nintendo lost the top spot. Final Fantasy Tactics is the only new game in the top ten.

Matthew Evans [ Writer :: Moderator :: King of Impartiality :: Lord of the 15min Thread ] As the wind blows the sand to cover the camel's tracks so does time move to cover the Lord's.
Rejoice for the Lord will taketh his quarter and give much back to his followers.

Dear god the DS is just a monster.

Even though the PSP gained the top spot in the chart, it seemed it didn't help it hardware wise. It still dropped a bit from last week.

The PS3 has got to be sending up flags for the folks at Sony too, more than a little worrying for them that a territory they owned last generation is shunning them.

18 GBAs? 39 DSs?

"39 DS" mean 39 DS classic. The brick-like device I do own... *too big, want shiny DSlite*

Wow, Mason. Why is every hardware-sale that slow? *Every sale*, software too! It's true. alsmost no new Software. What's up? no-gaming-month?

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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