Nintendo News | Ubisoft President Praises Wii and DS

By Adam Riley 14.05.2007 10

Ubisoft President and CEO Yves Guillemot recently spoke out about his thoughts on Nintendo's duo of the Wii and DS in an interview. Here is one particular snippet from the article:

[b]Q: Speaking of the DS, Ubisoft will be releasing some new games for that platform soon. It continues to sell extremely well

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It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Haha for once Grumbler im with you on that.

I do not understand you... *g*

Well. Wii and DS may be better then sex, but please release games, Ubisoft, that live up to this too...

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Well Wii owners are certainly not praising them Smilie.

In fairness there has been some shifting of direction at Ubi recently, what with the new top man at Ubi who has stated recently that there will be more IPs on the way.

Hopefully something pallatable will come of it.


( Edited on 14.05.2007 17:16 by Linkyshinks )

There's no praise quite like empty praise which doesn't mean a damn thing. Ubisoft, this one's for you...



Screwing the rules since 1989.

Prometheus said:
Haha for once Grumbler im with you on that.

How depressing for you. I'm always right you see, otherwise I'd change my mind.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Ubisoft's a joke of a company. Like Spain in the World Cup with their Wii launch, promised so much, deliver so little

Generally I don't think of Ubisoft favourably, but it's interesting how the industry has shifted in their attitude towards DS.

I still remember the resounding skepticism of DS's 2 screens and touchscreen. There was the air of "Oh my god, Nintendo doesn't know what it's doing".

Funny how 2 years can change so much, isn't it. I don't know under which rock all the doom callers have hidden themselves now.

Red Steel 2 with Prime 3 controls would be awesome.

Yoshidude said:
Ubisofts a joke of a company. Like Spain in the World Cup with their Wii launch, promised so much, deliver so little


tiamat1990 said:
Red Steel 2 with Prime 3 controls would be awesome.

This guy has obviously played Metroid Prime 3.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

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