Nintendo News | Dragon Quest Remakes on DS, New Monsters on the Way

By Adam Riley 13.05.2007 15

The Square Enix Party 2007 has now finished and all Nintendo fans really received from the company was confirmation of Final Fantasy IV being remade in 3D on the DS, plus a Chocobo Wii RPG. However, Yuji Hori, the creator of the Dragon Quest RPG series, went on record with some interesting words.

To start with, he spoke about how after Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker has sold more than 1.3 million units in Japan already, the follow-up to that game will likely be released after Dragon Quest IX launches on DS, early in 2008. To give that some sort of proper context, he added that the ninth entry into the multi-million main series will hit Japan sometime between now and this Christmas, although given Square Enix's busy line-up already, with the likes of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates due on 23rd August and It's a Wonderful World set for the end of July, it seems a little vague.

Moving on to talk more about that highly anticipated game, he pointed out that whilst traditional turn-based battling had been brought back in due to consumer requests (since it was announced as being a fully action-RPG to start with), some action controls will remain in the game. Elaborating only slightly on this, he mentioned that the type of battling alters depending upon what circumstance you are faced with. So there appears to be a mixture of turn-based and action-based fighting included, to keep everyone happy.

Also, following early speculation, it has been revealed that there will indeed be connectivity with the Wii. However, in what way is still unknown. Could it just be a simple upload of creatures for viewing editing on the system, or will there be features of Dragon Quest Swords that can only be unlocked with the DS game? It seems we shall just have to wait and see.

Dragon Quest IX is set to have around 10,000 characters attributes to play around with for creating your own unique protagonist, rather like a more in-depth version of the Mii creation tool on Wii. You will also be able to gather new friends via Wi-Fi at 'Luida's Bar', similar to how you could in Dragon Quest III.

Moving on, Hori-san stated that although Dragon Quest Swords hits on 12th July for Wii and Dragon Quest IX is coming on DS this Christmas, 2008 will in fact be the 'Year of Dragon Quest'. What he is referring to here is likely related to his closing comment about how the company has plans for several remakes that plan to connect with other Square Enix games. Therefore, it seems that the Final Fantasy series is not the only one that will be remade. A fully-3D remake of the original Dragon Quest would be more than welcomed...

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Box art for Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies



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Turn Based RPG



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That sounds really awesome. actually play a DQ game. That'd be a start for me ^^;

I'd happily welcome Dragon Quest remakes on DS, since I loved the DQIII remake on GBC, but have not touched other early entries in the series...and didn't take to DQVII due to it looking ghastly. DQVIII was great fun, though.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

This is not awesome. It cheap and lazy. How many units does a console have to sell before square starts thinking about putting new I.Ps made by their first team developers. The Square party was mainly for demonstrating new software for xbox360(?????) and PS3. Why is the 360 getting any attention from a RPG company. Europe sales are going stagnant and Japan is still the best joke around. Is the US that lucrative (Even then the wii is outselling it at the moment). Dissapointed in Enix, Capcom and konami so far.

^^^ Thank you. All Nintendo is getting from square is remakes and spin-offs, and people just gobble them up.

The Wii is getting three new it's not all bad. The DS, though, has had Heroes of Mana and FFXII, will get FFCC, IAWW and Itadaki soon. What's the problem? The PSP has had basically all ports and is getting two Star Ocean remakes as well.

The handhelds are getting their fair share of remakes/ports.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

this is rediculous!! how come 360 and PS3 get the mad games and we get half arsed spinoffs and remakes? the games on Nintendo Platforms has been selling way more then on PS/xbox. seriously these guys are dumbasses, they could make a lot of money if for example they created a new IP for Nintendo just like they did to ther other 2. well at least we have Konami with good games, Sega and of Course Nintendo that will make the best games ever. these lazy developers should really try to invest their money on the Wii. japan would be disapointed for sure ppl for SE will suicide after their software sucks on ther other 2 Smilie Smilie

Jesuraz there is nothing wrong with squares DS support. I just hope the wii doesnt need to aquire global domintaion for two years with 20million worldwide units sold before it gets the same support as wii. I was really shocked with squares anouncements. I don't understand your DS argument. SE would be death dumb and blind not to put there major games on it. Cheaper than the PSP to work on and almost guaranteed 1 million in sales. The wii/PS3 battle is following the exact same path as the DS/PSP be it a lot faster and yet square knows something no one else does.

When it comes to home consoles, sadly S-E has stated it doesn't want a clear winner, so will balance out releases evenly. This is why even the 360 is getting support and Star Ocean 4 probably won't be on Wii.

I do feel a Mana game on Wii will come at some point...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Moan moan moan, the DS has a the new bloody Dragon quest IX game EXCLUSIVLY! and the WII is getting a crystal chronicles game which is suppsadly looking nohing like the lame GC one.
Nintendo platforms are getting plenty of attention.

I don't think they're doing so many remakes spinoff shit for any particular reason other than because they're easier and less risky, I don't think it has much to do with the particular platform.

Considering Square hasn't made a good game in over 10 years, who gives a shit?

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

If one more person mentions a game that the DS is getting as an exclusive. . . Its safe to say the DS is a success and will be with us for many years to come. It will have many predecessors and its probabily killed the Gameboy. The Wii on the other hand could go the same way as the great N64 and Dreamcast (RIP) it could go the way of the Gamecube (but that was a shabby system) I moan for two good reasons
1: Hats off to nintendo its the big turn around story of the decade yet the wii is still being neglected as far as I'm concerend.
2: Its my money that I wasted if it is another flop
Dont get me wrong knowing now that the dreamcast wouldnt last I would still make that investment and if the wii provides like 10 classic gaming moments in its lifetime it will be worth it but I want it to have legs long legs and not because brain training 23 is being released

i just reckon the Wii needs to get SE top games instead of spin offs, DQ is fine but FF? they're investing so muuch money on the other 2, Wii is cheaper and more popular, they need to think about that... but hopefully whatever they do, it'll be good... fingers crossed!

Tactics and Crystal Chronicles are all I care about. Screw all these other ones...I might get DQIX though. Who knows.

Guys, the problem that the Wii is having is due to developers and publishers who made up their minds early on that the PS3 and Xbox 360 would be the more popular consoles. Publishers and developers structured their budgets around those platforms. Now that the Wii is a success, developers and publishers have been caught off guard and are scrambling to have a game develop for the Wii. Square is probably one of those developers. These guys have been with sony for over 10 years. They also have a vested interest in the sales of the PS3, low console sales equal low software sales. Unfortunately for them, Square, is that their Final Fantasy game does not come out until mid to late 2008. That's Sony's biggest gun. The Wii will could have sold five to six million units by then. Dragon Quest Swords makes its debut during the summer and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles makes its debut during the fall in Japan. The Wii will sale a lot more units during those times.

Patjuan totally agree with you. A lot of companies have been caught with their pants down. But Temcos party left me feeling a lot happier even though there were less announcements. It didnt take the ignorant route like so many. Its releasing ninja Gaiden on the DS and it looks amazing. As a development team they have showed real finesse. Its a great example. they have adressed all the problems associated with nintendos hardware: graphics capabilities, control and demographic. Its not a spinoff it integrates with the Gaiden universe and difficulty options have been included so that younger lads can play it. Then they showed concept art for a new sygar. For me just to know such a game was in developement was enough.
Jesuraz i remember Enix making such a statement concerning a winner of the consoles. But they know surely what will sell more units. I think we will truly know if they mean that statement when we see where the next true DQ lands after the DS version.

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