Nintendo News | Atari Reveals 9 for Wii & DS

By Adam Riley 06.05.2007 12

Following the revelation of possible Wii and DS ports of Alone in the Dark 5, Atari has confirmed both, as well as seven other titles. First up, check out the list of Nintendo DS games that have confirmed release dates:

  • Alone in the Dark 5: Near Death - November 2007
  • Tabaluga 2 - September 2007
  • Lucky Luke: Go West! - November 2007
  • Asterix Olympic Games - January 2008
  • Cooking [ an enterprise simulation ] - February 2008
  • Fashion Academy - February 2008
  • There are also Wii versions of Alone in the Dark (as mentioned earlier), Asterix Olympic Games and Fashion Academy on the way.

    Stick around for further updates...

    Box art for Alone in the Dark








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    Fashion Academy...


    Fashion Academy...

    *meets up with dojo and shudders simultaniously*

    Wow what a pile of crap!

    *more shuddering*
    AitD5 could be good, but would need deecent investment and manhours too pull it off.

    Seeing as we arnt getting a proper Resident Evil game, it would be nice too have a new eppisode in the original servival horror series. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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    F | J | D said:
    Fashion Academy...*meets up with dojo and shudders simultaniously*

    Joins in with the shoulder shudders.

    Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

    Co Chief Resident John Dorian said:
    F | J | D said:Fashion Academy...*meets up with dojo and shudders simultaniously*
    Joins in with the shoulder shudders.

    Wahey we should have a party! Smilie

    Anyway Alone in the Dark could be good, ill be holding judgement on that one! Lucky Luke game Smilie awsome i have a Lucky Luke game on my PC its pretty awsome Smilie

    Fashion Academy? I wonder what that's about...oh my sister better not find out about this or she might hog the Wii again like she did with Rayman...

    Atari *yawns* .

    Why are you shuddering? I can't WAIT to see more of FASHION ACADEMY!

    fantastic news that alone in the dark is coming to the wii

    I want to see some clips of AitD5 but good news that its coming to Wii!

    I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

    mOojc said:
    Why are you shuddering? I cant WAIT to see more of FASHION ACADEMY!

    now I can pretend to be 5 year old girl, well more so!

    Alone in the dark 5, cant say Ive played it, is it a continuing storyline like Resident Evil or can new people to the series understand it?

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