Nintendo News | Codemasters Brings Racing to DS - First Screens & Info

By Adam Riley 18.04.2007 7

Following the release of Heatseeker on Wii, Codemasters is set to continue its Nintendo support with the exclusive Race Driver: Create & Drive for the DS, which includes online gameplay! Enabling race drivers to create their own championship circuits, Codemasters today announced Race Driver: Create & Race, an original title in the exhilarating motorsport series, coming exclusively to Nintendo DS this summer.

Race Driver: Create & Race has been designed from the ground up for Nintendo DS and lets players thrash the most formidable sports cars through closely-fought races on the world's most prestigious circuits... and then lets players create their very own circuits with a full track construction kit. Using the Nintendo DS stylus, the game's track editor lets players select and place race track elements, such as hairpin corners, long straights and chicanes, to design unique circuits. Once all the pieces are placed to perfection, players can take to their track and experience exactly what it's like in aggressive multiple car races.

In addition to the track editor, the game features 32 real-world circuits

Box art for Race Driver: Create & Race








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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date Out now   

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It does indeed look quite impressive for a DS game, certainly better than the dire earlier efforts of this genre on the DS.

Personally it's not the sort of game i go for, not on the DS anyway, while the DS is great at some things it can be woefull at others.

Codemasters despite their long tradition in developing made a sub standard game in Heetseeker imo, i wanted and expected so much more but they failed to even include a basic two player dogfight mode, yet here they are imputing online play into a DS game, maybe it's Nintendos fault but even though that codemasters game should of been far better than it was. LS

( Edited on 18.04.2007 20:45 by Linkyshinks )

You mean DS, right?

Yeah Smilie, hey, you will never hear me bitching about the lack of polished looking Wii games because i am very confident thay are on the way, and besides i knew full well that there would be this situation of developers testing the water with lame ports and using their lowly teams, at least until there was a clear indication that the GC days were over, and there was in fact a large audience for their top games which have larger development budgets. LS

We are still in the lull and it will be here for a while imo, just look at the release list, Nintendo may well have a few surprises though to freshen things up and keep the momentum going, their advertisng campaign seems to be attempting to do that- those ads are everywhere.

( Edited on 19.04.2007 13:25 by Linkyshinks )

Now if Codemasters are actually making this, it will be good.

If they've put the effort into getting the game to look that good they're obviously taking it seriously. Which is good. Nintendo formats often miss out on these sorts of games which is why GC/N64 failed so bad.

I can actually recognise the circuit in the last pic.- Hockenheim in Germany.

This is how the DS needs to be used, not forcing touch screen steering. Things like track editing using the stylus make the game that lil bit more interesting for people who arent very keen on racing games.

This is the second recent DS game (along with Theme Park DS) thats really made me regret getting rid of my DS.

( Edited on 18.04.2007 21:03 by F | J | D )

YaY finally XD

Sweet, not my type of game but definitely good news for racing fans!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Mine neither, but these graphics are looking excellent. Now, what's the frame rate like?

Screwing the rules since 1989.

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