Nintendo Wii Media | Opoona Screenshot Blowout

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.04.2007 23

A whole spaceship full of new screens from Koei's upcoming action-packed RPG Opoona have hit the net showing the ickle adventurer on his search to find his family.

The game tells the tale of Opoona who, on his travels with his family, is separated and he awakens to find himself confused, injured and in hospital. Players take the role of helping the little guy find exactly what happened to his missing family through a healthy blend of action and roleplay elements.

Thanks to Game Watch.

Check out the screen's album below for more...

Box art for Opoona

Arte Piazza







C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (5 Votes)

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I like the graphical style.

Edit: I take that back

( Edited on 17.04.2007 11:05 by Z )

Z said:
I like the graphical style. Edit: I take that back( Edited on 17.04.2007 11:05 by Z )

Lol, such a sudden change Mr. Z Smilie

Looks alright, nothing too spectacular in still though would likely look pretty good in motion.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

SmilieSmilie Yeah I know, I am not usually this indecisive.

That looks so bland...

( Edited on 17.04.2007 11:31 by tiamat1990 )

I will never be a graphics junkie but i have to agree with those above, i actually think it looks bad despite the fact that sometimes simplistic graphics can have a charm of their own, but in respect to this, it just looks plain bad ugh.

Hopefully the gameplay itself will be up to scratch with all those renown developers working on it?. LS

I think this game seems to have quite a bit of potential, especially since seeing the trailer that came out recently.

{ Monkey Wii. ~ Nirbis Hater ~ Nintendo Fanboy }

How cute Smilie

Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

It looks like a really shitty kiddy game...why is everyone so hyped over this?

So did windwaker but hey it turned out all right Smilie

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

Generic JRPG/anime scifi + hideous characters + apparently most boring battle system ever conceived

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

It looks kiddie with all the smiling faces on all the screens where there are faces included. I fear it will be a kiddie-RPG. There's nothing wrong with that, but I want a heavy epic RPG on Wii (more thatn Zelda TP).
But when it is not and it is big and epic too, then I will take the quite eccentric style in an welcome it to my Wii-Slot (That sounds dirty... I know it does! Every native-UK and Ireland will laugh at my Wii-slot. I just know it!)

It has potential, no question. And maybe I like the style like I liked Winwaker's.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Yes Blade, but it's Zeeeeelda Smilie

And it didn't look kiddy per-say either.

Mmm, nah still dont like it.

The game is being developed by some very renown developers in RPG, who?, well some guy from FF if i remember correctly for one, and a few other guys worth noting.

Calibre aside i simply do not like the look of this title at all ( well, the character designs), when i first heard about the game i was intrigued by the whole concept but ever since that first screenshot- UGH!.

Even in motion it's hard to see these visuals creating perceptions that are good among the players who will play, the character design has little charm aesthetically, it's very brave on the developers part, but i think it's bravery wasted, they may well be trying something new but i would prefer something more distinct than egg heads. LS

Reminds me of KOTOR for some reason.

Game of the year.

saunderscowie said:
Game of the year.

Ok jumping the gun just a little bit there. I likes the look of it, but it's obviously a wait and see title.

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

Wind Waker looked good.

As a kids game (assuming that's what it is), this looks pretty good to me (my nearly-4-year-old daughter will probably find it adorable Smilie.

The main problem I see with the graphics are that the backgrounds are rendered with a photo-realistic 3D appearance, but the characters are all rendered with a black outline (like in a cartoon), and pretty much flat (that is, with no depth).

They probably did that to make the characters stand out on the backgrounds (which are probably pre-rendered).

This used to be fairly common practice, mainly because the hardware couldn't render good looking backgrounds in real time (I remember playing one of the Final Fantasy games on PlayStation 1 that looked exactly like this, although the art style was more Anime, and less Weeble Smilie. It can also be a lot quicker to develop (fixed camera angles and pre-rendered art work is easy).

Since this isn't finished yet, they may still be working on making this look a bit better (say, thinning down the outlines, and making them match the backgrounds better, possibly blending them into the background so the transitions aren't quite so harsh).

Or, maybe this is the look they want Smilie

I find it a bit jarring, as is, but, once again, if it is for kids, they won't notice the subtleties like us old jaded gamers will. I've worked on games and edutainment for kids...they really don't care that much until they hit the 10-13 year old range. They may be maturing a bit faster these days, but I still can't see anyone under the age of 9 being unhappy with the graphics from a technical standpoint.

looks okayish..... nothing special i reckon!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

I am not so sure this is a game for kids as "Opoona" roughly translated to English means "Tea Bag". Well that would explain the significance of the balls on everybody's face, eh?!

I kid, I kid. This looks interesting- I'll certaintly be watching for more details on this title. IS it just me or is this like the best time ever to be a Nintendo gamer? We've got more great titles coming out this year than previously came out in entire generations! Now that Guitar Hero III is coming out for Wii there is no need to score a Xbox. Oh yeah HALO 3- now with more First Person Shooting! Too bad I can't stand to play a FPS with a controller after Wii (and too bad Wii hasn't gotten a decent FPS yet).

All I want to know is were can I get a hair cut like that?

I am not so sure this is a game for kids as Opoona roughly translated to English means Tea Bag. Well that would explain the significance of the balls on everybodys face, eh?!

heh Smilie

I kid, I kid. This looks interesting- Ill certaintly be watching for more details on this title. IS it just me or is this like the best time ever to be a Nintendo gamer? Weve got more great titles coming out this year than previously came out in entire generations!

Yeah, it's hard to remember a 1 year time span that's gonna have more great games on any single console than the Wii (assuming you start counting from the Zelda:TP release day Smilie ). Add in all the games I don't have time to play on the DS, and it's really freaking amazing.

Now that Guitar Hero III is coming out for Wii there is no need to score a Xbox. Oh yeah HALO 3- now with more First Person Shooting! Too bad I cant stand to play a FPS with a controller after Wii (and too bad Wii hasnt gotten a decent FPS yet).

Well, it won't really be an FPS (I think First Person Adventure is the preferred term), but I think you will like the MP3 controls. I used to play a lot of FPS games on PC (never found a Console version I could stand, although Halo was probably the best of the ones I did try), and I think MP3's controls feel as good as the best PC FPS controls I've used. Very natural and intuitive (and I use them daily Smilie ).

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