News | ESRB Ratings changed.

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.06.2003 1

ESRB Ratings changed.
It's all about the violence.

The Entertainment Software Ratings Board, ESRB, have changed the rating system on all games to provide gamers and parents alike with information on the title to a greater depth than previous ratings to ensure the consumer of the game's content before purchase.

The ratings are shown on the front and/or back of the game's packaging.

The company decided that the word violence is somewhat vague and could be expanded upon and have now been split into four different types of "violence".

Cartoon Violence: Violence involving cartoon-looking characters, odd but can also classify games where characters remain unharmed.

Fantasy Violence: Violence involving fantasy characters, human or otherwise.

Intense Violence: Graphic or realistic depiction of violence. Includes blood, gore, weapons and humans injured or killed.

Sexual Violence: Depicts rape or other sexual violence.

The age rating system has also been changed to 17+ and 18+, the legal ages at which games of this nature can be rented of sold and take place immediately.

Pointless, maybe, but can inform parents and guardians of a game's nature, but I'm sure a majority of games still understand that games and only games.

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