Japanese Sales | Comparison of All Wii & PlayStation 3 Games

By Adam Riley 13.04.2007 20

A collection of all sales from every game released on Nintendo's Wii and the Sony PlayStation 3 has been put together to show how the two shape up side-by-side. All the numbers can be seen below:

PlayStation 3

1.) Gundam Musou - 238,000
2.) Gundam Target in Sight - 128,000
3.) Ridge Racer 7 - 125,000
4.) Resistance: Fall of Man - 117,000
5.) Armored Core 4 - 77,000
6.) Virtua Fighter 5 - 73,000
7.) MotorStorm - 61,000
8.) Genji: Days of Blade - 54,000
9.) Formula One: Championship Edition - 29,000
10.) Enchanted Arms - 29,000
11.) Need for Speed: Carbon - 27,000
12.) Sonic the Hedgehog - 25,000
13.) Pro Baseball Spirits - 20,000
14.) Virtua Tennis 3 - 19,000
15.) Mahjong Fight Club - 15,000
16.) Untold Legends - 12,000
17.) Sega Golf Club - 12,000
18.) NBA 07 - 9,000
19.) Winning Post 7 - 8,000
20.) Mist of Chaos - 7,000
21.) Railfan - 7,000
22.) Mahjong Taikai IV - 5,000
23.) Fight Night Round 3 - 3,000

  • Total games sales : 1,097,000 / Attach rate: 1.35

  • Wii

    1.) Wii Sports - 1,285,000
    2.) Wii Play - 1,097,000
    3.) The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - 430,000
    4.) WarioWare: Smooth Moves - 374,000
    5.) Pok

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    Jonnyram is one awesome dude. I also feel sorry for Blitz Games - Spongebob obviously isn't too popular over in Japan. The lists are really interesting in that they show how, even though the PS3 has been out longer, Sony has sold fewer units and games. And also - fewer games have been released.

    Also odd to see that the PS3's lowest selling game sold more than Wii's lowest selling game, even though Wii's 23rd ranked game sold more than 6 times the PS3's 23rd ranked game (and also its last)

    I like...analysing Smilie

    I like the fact that the first 2 top selling Wii games have sold more individually (or as much) as the entire 23 PS3 games combined. I like analysing too.

    ( Edited on 13.04.2007 12:29 by oldschool )

    Temporarily banned until further notice.

    oldschool said:
    I like the fact that the first 2 top selling Wii games have sold more individually (or as much) as the entire 23 PS3 games combined. I like analysing too.

    Yah that's quite awesome ^^;

    Wii sports selling better than the other games? even Zelda... what the fudge.

    Man did Zelda do shit or what...

    I don't find it that surprising yet, the PS3 doesn't exactly have any "must have" games yet.

    oldschool said:
    I like the fact that the first 2 top selling Wii games have sold more individually (or as much) as the entire 23 PS3 games combined. I like analysing too.( Edited on 13.04.2007 12:29 by oldschool )

    Lets not forget that Wii Sports came free with the console, so that doesn't really count. As for Wii Play, the only reason that is selling so well is because you could get a controller & game for the same or nearly the same price.

    With my point made, I will say the Wii has still done remarkable well in software sales.

    Marzy, these are numbers for Japan where Wii Sports wasn't bundled, so it means a helluva lot.

    "This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

    Dr_R said:
    Marzy, these are numbers for Japan where Wii Sports wasnt bundled, so it means a helluva lot.

    I didn't realise it said 'Japanese Sales', but yes I agree with you now.

    Marzy said:
    Dr_R said:Marzy, these are numbers for Japan where Wii Sports wasnt bundled, so it means a helluva lot.
    I didnt realise it said Japanese Sales, but yes I agree with you now.

    Yeah, it is only part of the title, after all. I mean, who reads the title of something they're about to read? Smilie

    dojo said:
    Marzy said:
    Dr_R said:Marzy, these are numbers for Japan where Wii Sports wasnt bundled, so it means a helluva lot.
    I didnt realise it said Japanese Sales, but yes I agree with you now.
    Yeah, it is only part of the title, after all. I mean, who reads the title of something theyre about to read? Smilie


    *puts hand up*

    My head bizarrely ignored the "Japanese Sales |" bit.

    It wasn't till I got down to the Hardware Comparison figures, that I realised it can't be worldwide.

    Socoder.net - Where making games is fun!

    3.) The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - 430,000

    I thought that would be ALOT higher, like over a million sales.


    The PS3 hasn't been out for as long as the Wii, so of course its sales will be lower. (That, and it's over twice as expensive). Wait and see before comparing sales figures.

    Screwing the rules since 1989.

    As previously stated-

    These are Japanese sales figures. The PS3 has been out in Japan for nearly a month longer than the Wii, so the argument "It's been out longer" is not only not a very good argument, it's downright wrong.

    Smilie Sorry. I realised the sales were Japanese - I didn't realise that the PS3 had been out for longer than the Wii. I bow to your superior knowledge, Runissknight-sensai. At least, until your back is turned... Smilie

    ( Edited on 13.04.2007 20:16 by Balladeer )

    Screwing the rules since 1989.

    irfman said:
    Wii sports selling better than the other games? even Zelda... what the fudge.

    New generation, diffrent country, new preffrences.

    There are countries outside of your nation and there are people who have diffrent tastes from 10 years ago.

    Believe it or not, Zelda isn't nearly as popular in Japan as it is in the west, & the sales reflect it. [/Wii]

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    wow Wii play has sold the same as the whole PS3 list Smilie

    I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

    Sadly we have no way of tracking Zelda's GameCube performance in Japan due to it only being released online. For all we know the game could have indeed sold more than double the Wii figure...The only was we will find out is if and when Nintendo next releases a financial spreadsheet with overall sales on.

    The Wii launched with FOUR 1st Party games: Wii Sports, Wii Play, WarioWare and Zelda.

    1.) Wii Sports - THE game that Wii is being promoted with;
    2.) Wii Play - comes with an extra controller, so is basically a must-buy;
    3.) WW has a staple now in Japan, with each version going towards the million mark...
    4.) Twilight Princess is a more 'hardcore' game, i.e. not the market Wii has initially been marketed towards / it followed Wind Waker, which managed ~800,000 / the game was also released on the GC, which will have watered down sales of the Wii version...although to what degree, we don't know.

    With Wii Sports and Wii Play taking the spotlight, WarioWare has underperformed and Pok

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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