News | Soul Calibur 2 Extras

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.06.2003 1

Soul Calibur 2 Extras
Hwang over a rock.

Namco's excellent fighter, Soul Calibur 2, has been avaliable in Japan for several months now, and has proved to show such distinct and unique fighting styles and characters, a major achievement indeed.

However, due to the long gap between the home release and US/European releases, the company has decided to dub the voices into English, as you may already know, but also have planned - as we can reveal today, to add some key extras.

2 classic characters who had previously been "replaced" with similar characters make a welcome return. Those who seek a fighter with a traditional Japanese blade coupled with a balance of speed and strength will enjoy playing as Hwang once more. Others who want a brute warrior may recognise the North American "wolf man" Rock.

On a final note, the annocement seems to suggest that "Lizardman" can be playable, but not selectable in fights - interesting indeed.

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