Accessories | SD Memory Cards On Sale!

By James Temperton 24.06.2003 1

SD Memory Card!
Long we have waited...

The SD Digi-Cards, for those we don't know, can be pluged into a PC which will allow the intriguing possibility for gamers to send game data to each other and even download events. Animal Crossing e+ will be the first game to exemplify their use in which they will allow data to be e-mailed between you and your friends and allow pictures to be taken with your PC.

Image for Accessories | SD Memory Cards On Sale!

The SD Card [shown above] is priced at The SD Digi-Card Adapter, priced at 1,500 Yen

Image for Accessories | SD Memory Cards On Sale!

The SD Digi-Card Adapter + SD Memory Card priced at 3,000 Yen

As of yet we have no details as to any more games they will be used with, but you can purchase them here!

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