Nintendo Wii News | 30/03/07 - Three Euro Virtual Console Releases

By Adam Riley 30.03.2007 5

The latest releases have hit the Wii's Virtual Console here in Europe today and you may be surprised by what is on offer! Nintendo has released three games from days gone by, starting with the comical boxing game Punch Out!!. The player assumes the role of a rookie trying to make it in the boxing world by working his way through the ranks and embarking on numerous matches. Each fight results in repute and fame with the ultimate winner eventually earning the world champion title. Punch Out!! is available this week for only 500 Wii points.

Also up for grabs is the Konami's SNES brilliant action adventure, The Legend of the Mystical Ninja. This action packed game sees two characters, Kid Ying and Dr. Yang (sticking with the European names, rather than Japanese ones of 'Goemon' and 'Ebisumaru'), on a quest to rescue a kidnapped princess. Players must complete tasks and battle enemies in order to save our heroine and finish the quest. And if you need a helping hand, two-player mode allows players to piggyback each other to make the battling even more dynamic! The Legend of the Mystical Ninja is available for 800 Wii points.

Joining these two games on Virtual Console is the Turbografx classic, Dragon's Curse (also known as Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap and was released on the Sega Master System as well). Originally released in 1990, Dragon's Curse follows a warrior, who after an unfortunate run-in with a dragon becomes Lizard-Man. The object of the game is to retrieve the Salamander Cross, and become human once more. En route the player must defeat various dragon bosses in order to change his form and eventually return to a human state! Dragon's Curse is available on Wii's Virtual Console from today for only 600 Wii Points.

These great games will join the list of 67 classic titles already available for the Virtual Console in Europe.

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Weren't the two characters in Mystical Ninja called Goemon and Ebisumaru? Or is that a different game?

Screwing the rules since 1989.

Is the Turbografx Dragon Curse the same as the Sega Mastersystem Wonderboy 3? One of my all time favourite games

fucking YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY Punch Out!! i love that game!! its so fucking awsome!!! Smilie woop woop!!
all we need now is StarFox 64 Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Will buy Geoman warrior and Punchout now, schweet. LS

Mystical Ninja!! YAY!! come to USA! WEEE!

Rooolllll OUT!
Whos space?! MY SPACE!!
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