Industry News | Lego Batman Confirmed (Wii and Nintendo DS?)

By Adam Riley 27.03.2007 13

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Ah, the Lego Star War games were ace. Though I never liked Batman that much, I have high hopes for this game.

Yeah a Lego Batman should rock, if its as good as Lego Star Wars then im happy.

Seeing as I wasn't that interested in Lego Starwars, the simple reason being; I didn't like the films, then I'll surely prefer this.

Batman is pretty much awesome, no not as good as many other superheroes, but still, the game should be great fun.

I've heard the LEGO games are awesome, but have never got around to getting one. Hopefully this'll be good too; might give it a try!

I can picture this in my mind already.

40 pence says they use the exact same 'hookshot' mechanic again.

Much looky forward'ness.

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

Having missed the supposedly great Lego Star Wars, as far as I am concerned more Lego takes on franchises are very welcome. Bring it on...

Screwing the rules since 1989.

@Marzy, not being a fan of Starwars is no reason not to enjoy the Lego Starwars games.
I've never really been into the movies, either, but the games are really a lot of fun.

Have you at least tried the demo? - Where making games is fun!

awsome news! Smilie Lego Starwars 2 was pretty fucking awsome!! Smilie and i love BATMAN and if they make this game as good as the Starwars ones then ill be very happy!! Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

I dunno if I can anticipate this as much as Star Wars... Half the fun of LEGO Star Wars was The Force and the lightsabers... Without those I'm not sure this game'll have much going for it

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

I'm not sure how much I like the idea. You see Star Wars Lego characters all of the time on commercials and in the store (if you you are/were into legos, you probably have some). That was half of the charm in the video game (my impression anyways, never played it).
That said, I can't recall ever seeing Batman legos. Also, the way a Star Wars game plays compared to a Batman game will be largely different. Just because they did go before on the Star Wars games is no reason for me to expect the same for this.

I need to pick u[ the Star Wars games sometime....I've been meaning to but something else always grabs my money first.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

A DS version is for certain, no doubt about it. Even a Wii version is very probable.

It's a shame, since I'd probably like it if it wasn't Batman. Smilie

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That said, I can't recall ever seeing Batman legos.

It's a new theme, they started shipping late '06 I believe.

...yeah, I'm a LEGO nerd. Smilie

just a shame there isn't the wealth of characters Star wars had to add variation in the game, unless of course you have teh justice league with him. Lego Star Wars was AMAZING!! Only ever laughed at these games and Futurama the game (shit game, funny quotes and all of the Futurama humour). The way the characters made even emotional scenes comical was great

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