Nintendo DS News | The Dream of Neko Revealed

By Adam Riley 26.03.2007 7

Following Chronos Twin, Glory Days 2 and My Little Flufties, Lexicon Entertainment has revealed yet another DS game set for 2007, The Dream of Neko.

The game is a cartoon styled puzzle title set in a magical world where the lead character has the ability to morph into other creatures that will help in achieving the desired goals within the quest. In this world the player will be able to utilise a plethora of powers and weapons, including fireballs, amusing mimics, and so on, complete with supposedly "stunning visual effects" as they traverse the various locations.

The backdrop story for The Dream of Neko tells of a kitten named Neko who has a fascination for humans and in many ways is envious in that they can eat anything they want, and travel quickly by using big, weird mechanical machines. After a hard day's hunting in the forest, he decides to rest and swiftly falls asleep but is awoken by a sudden, unusual noise, and blinding light seers through him. Neko felt strange and sensed that something had changed; he was transformed remarkably to become a human!

Neko soon discovers that it is not so easy being a human and the player will have to control Neko through the game's six worldsto help him to recover/discover his appearance. Neko will meet many creatures trying to stop him, but he can use items and magical powers to oppose them. Neko can also collect invaluable coins scattered across the levels to buy more essential items. Each of the six entrancing settings has its own puzzles to solve and a boss stage to complete to reach the next world!

Features include:

  • Cartoon presentation, cute and funny creatures with fluid and smooth animations

  • Innovative physics engine (gravity and collision)

  • Buy much needed items in a shop with the collected coins

  • High replay value (collect all the coins to reach 100% completion of the levels)

  • 6 colourful and changing worlds: forest, caves, desert, oasis, lake and wonderland
  • Set for release in the Third Quarter of 2007, The Dream of Neko is due to hit at the very low price of

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    "Innovative physics engine (gravity and collision)"

    Yes.... because no game has incorporated gravity and collision. Wait, all 3D games have.

    Smilie That says it all.

    A kitten named Cat... OriginalSmilie

    ~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

    OMG *screams* it sounds so awsome!!

    I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

    Damnit, I thought this was gonna be one of those awesome hentai games ;_;

    Faust said:
    A kitten named Cat... OriginalSmilie
    Yeah I was gonna point that out... Best writers ever clearly

    Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

    This is bound to crash and burn...

    I'll reserve judgement for now, but it sounds like the sort of thing that would appeal to my sister rather than me. As such, I predict remarkably little effort going into it.

    Screwing the rules since 1989.

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