Nintendo Media | Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles DS Screens

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.03.2007 22

Square Enix has released a selection of fresh shots from the upcoming Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles game for DS, Ring of Fates with another gorgeous RPG addition heading to Nintendo's portable.

Thanks to NeoGAF's King Zell for the screens.
Be sure to check out the screens album for additional shots..

Box art for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates

Square Enix


Square Enix


Real Time RPG



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Looking forward to this (well the Wii version moreso). I enjoyed completing the GC version with 3 other friends, each of us with our GBAs and from what I've seen, this looks like good portable material.

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
PSN: shiptoncraig
Steam: Guess what?

Really really nice looking game, didn't like the one on the gamecube though..i hope they focus ore on the single player mode.

i will love to know how much of a story they will be for this ^^

Graphically the game is looking gorgeous.

I can already clearly see an obvious flaw all the story text is actual squiggles, how can anyone read that!!

yes I know its some sort of Japaneses Smilie

WOW that game looks pretty fucking good!! never played the FFCC just the all GBA control thing put me off it... so lets hope the Wii version has normal controls!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

I hope the multiplayer is good.

FFCC was fantastic in multiplayer,but the game itself was unbalanced.

This game needs to follow a seamless system of letting 1-4 players join and leave the game at any time. (that is, charecter data and game data seperate).

This worked great before.

It also really should be online.

Also, the Wii version certainly should have DS wireless controlls.
(no need for GBA link leads would make it much easier) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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This game is going to be mean!! I mean online!! The idea was great but application was terrible. It was just asking to be online.

Looks promising, maybe as good as the GC version...
I kinda liked the GC version, it was longer than I expected and it was very hard (analysing the fact that I had to finish it by my own, without friends or even family members :lolSmilie
Looking forward to Final Fantasy The Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers, hoping it would be much longer, harder to conclude AND a Wi-Fi Connection with the DS Version
Smilie maybe I will buy the DS version...
Time will tell Smilie

Udkedae Everywhere! | PSN: Udkedae

Can they please just show us IN-GAME screens of the Wii game!!

Interesting - I've never played the game on the 'Cube because I only got into FF recently, but I prefer its real-time combat to the turn-based rubbish in other FF games. Playing multiplayer over Wi-Fi would reduce all the money spent on extra accessories, so it should sell better than its forbear.

Screwing the rules since 1989.

Why no love for the TBS Balladeer? My favourite game style (Fire Emblem, FF, Baten Kaitos). FF:CC was RTS, so there is a good chance the DS will be as well.

I loved the GC version (2 kids to play it with). I loved the characters and I really look forward to the DS version.

Temporarily banned until further notice.

Looks nice Smilie

Ph00p said:
I can already clearly see an obvious flaw all the story text is actual squiggles, how can anyone read that!!yes I know its some sort of Japaneses Smilie

"i'm relieved----
Where where you two?
I was looking for you."

"I want you to go to the high ground of Veol (?) and destroy the magic creature that lives in the valleys"

"But, if you find yourself in trouble, you should quickly pull back. Going blindly forward isn't the only act of bravery."

"Food! Food!
Food with Yuli!
Food with Cherinka!"


Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Looks cool ^^ I enjoyed playing the GC one in multiplayer, but it was uber boring on its own. I wonder if this one will be online to ensure 4 player action? I don't think I'll need to convince my friends very much to get this.

oldschool said:
Why no love for the TBS Balladeer? My favourite game style (Fire Emblem, FF, Baten Kaitos).

I tried Advance Wars. I hated it. It is supposed to be the pinnacle of the genre. Enough said.

But the FFs aren't strategy (Tactics notwithstanding) - they just make use of the turn-based battle system, which I don't like because one feels detached from the action and less in control than when one is actually aiming and carrying out the attacks in real time.

I love the FFs regardless, but because of the stories, customisation and imaginative foes rather than the combat.

Screwing the rules since 1989.

The combat was so slow in Crystal Chronicals it might aswel have been turn based >< hopefully they will liven things up a bit but not turn it into a boring hack and slash.

( Edited on 24.03.2007 20:52 by Blade2t3 )

Graphics are very nice

Balladeer, no matter what people say, Advance Wars isn't the pinnacle of turn-based gameplay, though it definitely is one of the best. Fire Emblem is the pinnacle of TBS though, perfect balance of story, RPG elements, and strategy. Generally great soundtrack too. Fire EMblem ftw! Smilie

As for the image, looking gorgeous. I've never played a Crystal Chronicle. Might be another series I get drawn into because of the DS.

( Edited on 26.03.2007 01:23 by Jacob4000 )

The graphics look awesomeSmilie

looking good! That looks like the same game engine from FF3 if i'm not wrong. Im really looking forward to this and I just hope that they make a great single player mode as well as one that links to the Wii.

I've been in the mood for some new Final Fantasy after playing through the GBA remakes so this will d just fine as long as the frame-rate is nice and smooth, the length is good (Tales of Tempest was just too short), and the controls click in. Also, I hope Sqaure-Enix are actually developing it as I do recall their GBA games being developed by TOSE.

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