Nintendo Wii News | More Zelda & Castlevania on Euro Virtual Console

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.03.2007 23

The latest Virtual Console updates have been added to the European Wii systems and guess what? The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES) and Castlevania (NES) are now available to download!

In the medieval fantasy adventure, A Link to the Past, players assume the role of Link, a young boy who receives a telepathic cry for help from Princess Zelda. After rescuing her, Link realises a darker plan is at foot and sets out to save Hyrule. With intuitive gameplay and a gripping storyline The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past will have you transfixed and is yours to download for 800 Wii points.

Also available this week is gothic horror classic Castlevania, from Konami, originally for the Nintendo Entertainment System. One of the earliest games to feature a horror story line, Castlevania pitches a whip-wielding warrior against the evil vampire, Dracula and his minions. Loosely based on Bram Stoker's 'Dracula' and featuring a variety of other characters such as 'Death' and 'Medusa', the Castlevania franchise has enjoyed huge success since launch. Castlevania is available this week on Wii for 500 Wii points.

These join the list of 65 classic games already available for the Virtual Console in Europe.

Expect reviews of them very soon here on Cubed3...

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I thought snes games were 600 points.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

It is 800 points, im playing the game now on my new Bravia LCDTV Smilie, just about to grab the first pendant then off to bed with me. LS

All i need now is MM and i will have the full collection, i really want to be able to play all the GB games on Wii eventually.

( Edited on 23.03.2007 10:15 by Linkyshinks )

Grumbler said:
I thought snes games were 600 points.

800, 600 for regular SNES titles it seems. If you want to try and nitpick the news try again Smilie

ALTTP is one of the must download titles if you don't have it already, such a classic Zelda!

( Edited on 23.03.2007 00:49 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I have mass Wii mailed everyone as a matter of duty to the Tri Force, i agree it is a must have download, it was this game, and the first that really did it for me and turned me into the fanatical fan i am today. LS

( Edited on 23.03.2007 18:03 by Linkyshinks )

Good stuff! ALTTP is one of my top 3 games of all time.Now all I need to do is get some points.

I thought they were 600 too, perhaps Nintendo is charging a premium for games they think will get a lot of downloads. As if they weren't charging enough...


NES - 500
Turbo - 600
SNES/MD - 800
N64 - 1,000

It's not changed since Day One, other than in Japan where OoT was 1,200 Points.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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800, 600 for regular SNES titles it seems. If you want to try and nitpick the news try again

ALTTP is one of the must download titles if you don't have it already, such a classic Zelda!

I am missing the physical cartridge, did LttP have a collectors edition like LOZ 1 and Oot?

Z said:
800, 600 for regular SNES titles it seems. If you want to try and nitpick the news try again ALTTP is one of the must download titles if you dont have it already, such a classic Zelda!
I am missing the physical cartridge, did LttP have a collectors edition like LOZ 1 and Oot?

No it did not, but i suppose the fine GBA game with fours swords is a special edition, i started playing that again last week on my Micro (looks well sweet) after getting pissed off about the VC version not being released. LS

* strange how they put up Castlevania later, to date that has never happened until now.

( Edited on 23.03.2007 10:11 by Linkyshinks )

I already borrowed the GBA one off my friend and finished it. I want the SNES one for collective purposes. Unfortunately I had never even heard of zelda when I was young, it wasn't until n64 era that I knew it existed.

woah very good news i love Zelda LTP i already have the game so i wont get this

Finally LttP! One to get maybe!

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OMG LoZ LttP Smilie awsome Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Two amazing games there ready for download. My second fave Zelda game and the first game I ever played (CV). I think I will have to invest at some point Smilie

Chris MO@)

Pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space, cause there's bugger all down here on earth!!!

2 great games, will definitely buy LoZ:aLttP when I have the cash to spare.

The BEST GAME EVER being released the same day as the PS3, coincidence lol i think not, great strategy.

you lucky bastards got castlevania... lol you jsrks i want it!

Agahnim2 said:
The BEST GAME EVER being released the same day as the PS3, coincidence lol i think not, great strategy.

Hey yeah! I'm gonna go and spend

jesusraz said:
NES - 500Turbo - 600SNES/MD - 800N64 - 1,000Its not changed since Day One, other than in Japan where OoT was 1,200 Points.

Some Turbografx games are 800 points (R-Type for instance), but SNES games are all to my knowledge 800 points. In the case of ALTTP this is great value, especially compared to buying the original game which is certainly more than that.

I might actually get this! These are solid titles.

Enoch Powell was right, and you know it.

It's about time, I have been waiting ages for this and now I can finally download it. This will also be my first download from the Virtual Console and will be until either Super Smash TV or Majora's Mask comes to it.

I'm also having second thoughts on whether to buy the real deal on the Super Nintendo still. It's so tempting to get it boxed and play it on the original console it was design for. I'll have to think it over, but either way I have to get this incredible game.

You know what would have been a really bad idea? To put the GBA version of ALttP up for download with the Four Swords levels online. I'm so glad they didn't do that

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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