Nintendo News | Bethesda Clarifies Wii Oblivion Talk

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.03.2007 31

Update - Over on PS3 Chat there is a new exclusive interview with Pete Hines of Bethesda in which he covers more issues about Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion on the PlayStation 3. However, there is also an interesting update on the situation of a possible Wii version. Check out the following quote:

PS3 Chat: With Oblivion now on the PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, is there any way you could see a version coming to the Nintendo Wii?

Pete Hines, Bethesda: It would be a completely different game. There is no way to take the console version as it exists and bring it to the Nintendo Wii. That is not to say we would not want to do a game like Oblivion for the Wii, but it wouldd have to be done right and be a good fit for that console and how it works.

And so it goes to show that Bethesda certainly is not going straight out and saying it does not want to do a version on the Wii. After all, there is a brand new revision coming to the far less powerful PlayStation Portable in the near future. So those hoping for an appearance of Elder Scrolls IV on Wii should not give up yet, as we could be eventually seeing a Wii-specific version at some point.

Be sure to read the full interview: here.

Stick with Cubed3 for further updates...

Original Story - With the Wii's popularity amongst developers and gamers continually increasing, various studios have expressed that although they aren't currently working on the platform, future projects won't be ruled out. Oblivion creator Bethesda recently discussed Wii development with GamesIndustry.

In an interview with Bethesda's Peter Hines, he expressed the company's desire to bring Oblivion to Wii but unfortunately it's not a very good fit with the game. Oblivion is a very demanding game hardware-wise and in terms of graphics processing and raw horsepower. It's not something the Wii was designed to do."

Instead of bringing an existing title to Wii, the studio would have to create an entirely new/exclusive title. That said, "It's something we've talked about, but I don't think you could say we're considering it. It's not in our immediate future - maybe something we'll look at somewhere down the road."

Certainly good news for Nintendo, and who knows - a Bethesda could very well be heading to the Wii in the future.

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Obvlision? What's that? Must be some indie game I've never heard of.

jb said:
Bethesda Considering Wii Project

jb said:
I don't think you could say we're considering it

... Smilie

Your news headlines appear to be a bit off quite a lot of the time ^^;

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society


Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

interesting, why cant they just make a low version oblivioon Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

I'm quite bitter at the fact that Oblivion is coming to PSP and they say Wii isn't right for it, but understandably the PSP game will be very cut down and wouldn't suit the whole idea of immersion. Hopefully we'll see some cool stuff from them anyways.

( Edited on 20.03.2007 18:08 by dojo )

maybe something we'll look at somewhere down the road.

They really couldn't have shown any less interest by that statement. They basically said, no we probably won't ever do anything on the Wii, but common sense as a company doesn't let us rule it out.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Come on, you made Elder Scrolls for the NGage. Im sure one can be made for Wii. The system is stronger than the original Xbox.

It's all about audience. The Wii's target audience is about as far away from Oblivion's as is possible.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

but the elder scrolls series is so epic, many people will love it on the wii, even the ones that never played any elder scroll games.

yeah Grumbler is right, there is no audience for Oblivion on the Wii... but they can still make about 500.000 copy's see if they sell and then distribute some more! Just a thought!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

500,000 is a lot!

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Powering down a game is harder than upgrading it (So I've heard) it must be different for Ubisoft though, 'cos they've never upgraded a game in their life, & they do love downgrading. Smilie

Anyway, it's nice to hear that they wanted Oblivion to be released on Wii, even if it won't be, the Wii is definitely not powerful enough (or at least it would take a lot of work...)

I think a game like Oblivion is possible on Wii, but only when you put in the extra effort, which many companies won't do in the 1st gen.

EDIT: The audience for Oblivion is there, especially seeing as the Wii might be 7th gen's casual gamer's console. Also you're forgetting the Zelda fans, I'm sure that Zelda fans with any sense would give Oblivion a try if it popped up on a Nintendo console.

( Edited on 20.03.2007 21:25 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

It would be possible, but I don't really think I'd want Oblivion to be any less polished...

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I know what you mean, but for Nintendo consoles, gameplay > graphics, & I'm sure that unless they were Ubisoft they could find a neat use of the controls.

I'm sure slowdown may be a problm though, I've heard the 360 version has to load a bit, so the Wii version would prolly be worse.

Wonder what the PS3 version is like?

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I wish Bethesda would make a big, fat rpg for Wii

If it's anything like Morrowind or Oblivion (haven't played the other Elder Scrolls), I'd definately get it. Big ole' fan of those two, fingers crossed!

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

Awww, I would like to have Oblivion on the Wii, would be interesting.

At least they showed interest.

Ok coolio!! And THANK GOD they're not porting over the shitty game this is Oblivion!

How can anyone say a games like Oblivion isn't targeted at the Wii audience when there was never an attempt to do something like it on it? Not even Bioware has done one thing on it, or the Cube for that matter.

It wont happen and it never should do, with a game as ambitious as Oblivion im sure the last thing the developers want to do is crank it down in every aspect, all the things that made all the effort worth it.

If you created a piece of art for a gallery that was on A1 and they told you it was amazing, but they want it on A5, you would tell them to screw themselfs Smilie.

On another note, i dont think the Wii is suited to anything Bethesda have to offer, on the whole they seem a lot like Bioware, a fantastic developer that pushes every title past the norm, itd be wrong for them to be limited to developing a less adventurous and ambitious title because they dont have the CPU / Graphical power to pull it off.

Im all for cute RPG's like Final Fantasy or even Adventure games like Sam & Max - But games i highly respect for pushing there titles further, and making other developers wake up (solely Bioware and Bethesda) should stick to going further on each project. (The Ngage game was a lesson to them no doubt, and it would have recieved 2% of the studio's attention anyway).

Wo33eR ::: Wo33eR.CoM Website :: Cubed-3 :: [ General Writer :: Reveiwer ]

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Sounds good, but will they actually put the effort in to create a new revision of Oblivion on the Wii?

There is a lot of potential adding the Wiimote to Oblivion together, it would prove quite interesting.

I agree with Megadanxzero, Jay Bee. C3's news headlines are often pretty misleading. The geezer basically says there'll never be a Wii Oblivion, but maybe something similar, geared towards the Wii.

Sort it out, bruv! Smilie

I think that pretty much 'Clarifies Wii Oblivion Talk', no? Pete Hines says they'd have to do what they're doing with the PSP game - start from scratch, basically. He doesn't rule it out though. In that interview, however, he DID completely dodge mentioning the DS! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I didn't mean specifically this piece of news and it's heading, but it does happen. The most recent one being 'NiGHTS confirmed for Wii!' and then inside you find out that the 'confirmation' comes in the form of speculation, from renowned bullshit-spinning website SPoNG.. :-/

oblivion ...awesome if not that then an exclucive even better!Certainly good news for Nintendo


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