Movie | XII

By James Temperton 22.06.2003 1

XIII Movie!
Cel shaded glory from France!

Ubi Soft have just made available a short movie showcasing some the AI elements in XIII - their cell shaded FPS.

So what should you watch out for in the movie to see just how smart these guys are? Here's a brief guide and the time frame for enemy AI reactions:

1. Reaction to grenade attack (00’06” to 00’12’’)

2. Reaction to human shield use (00’12” to 00’15”)

3. Reaction to a mate being shot down (00’15” to 00’17”)

4. Ambush (00’18 to 00’22”)

5. Picking up weapons from dead enemies (00’22” to 00’32”)

6. Roll out and roll back (00’33” to 00’37”)

7. Blastin’em all (00’43” to 00’46”)

8. Rocket in your face (00’46” to the end)

We have been very impressed with what we have seen of XIII. At first we thought that the cel-shaded graphics might just be a gimmick but Ubi Soft really seem to have produced the goods and what we are looking at now is a very strong game. In a market that is so saturated in this genre is it nice to see a company doing something different to make their game stand out. There is no doubt much more to come from XIII and we will keep you updated with any new details.

Well, that is just about it for now, enjoy the screens below and why not check out our preview right here!

XIII Movie [1.87MB]


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