Nintendo News | Agatha Christie Coming to Wii

By Adam Riley 19.03.2007 12

According to reports, Agatha Christie's classic And Then There Were None is set to be brought to life again, this time on none other than Nintendo's Wii!

With Telltale Games recently posting a job listing for a Wii position, Autumn Moon Entertainment showing interest in bringing A Vampyre Story to Wii and Capcom's recent unveiling of adventure game 'Treasure Hunter Z', it seems the more adventure games the better...and now The Adventure Company, the leading publisher of PC games in that genre around the world, has also given Wii its backing.

Agatha Christie: And Then There Were None is currently under development and due for release in November 2007.

Written by Agatha Christie, the world's best-known mystery author and Queen of Crime, this classic story is brought to a new generation on the Nintendo Wii. Appealing to a broad audience, this platform opens the door for adventure games on console.

Using the Wii's controller, gameplay in traditional PC adventure games can be taken to a whole new level of interactivity. For instance, players will have the freedom to control their character's actions, such as using a digging motion to unearth clues, or spinning the handle of a safe using the Wiimote; and the introduction of timed puzzles where, for example, players must race up a set of stairs from a boat docked below.

"We are very excited to take this new direction with our adventure titles and are certain that our fans will find Agatha Christie: And Then There Were None to be a perfect fit for the Nintendo Wii. Many PC adventure game fans are having a great time with the Wii and we'd like to be the first to deliver them games they love on a console they've embraced."
- Richard Wah Kan, President and CEO of The Adventure Company.

The storyline revolves around ten people, all strangers to each other, who are invited to a lavish estate on an isolated island. Through a recording, their mysterious host accuses each of his 'guests' of murder and proceeds to exact justice by becoming judge, jury and executioner... The tension mounts and dark secrets are revealed as one-by-one the number of guests systematically dwindles according to the ingenious plan of the unseen killer.

With The Adventure Company on-board Wii, fans of the genre certainly should rejoice as we could be seeing strong support over the coming years!

Keep it locked to Cubed3 for further updates...

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And then there were none is the best mystery I have ever read. Hopefully they won't screw the game up.

Interesting choice of licence, these Agatha Christie games that have been mentioned. I'm all for adventure games, though!

Smilie Nice joke!

Oh, you were telling the truth. Smilie

Come now Marzy; if they do a decent job it could be fun to be in the middle of a mystery! Smilie

Well I suppose, but Agatha Christie stuff doesn't really appeal to me. I'd much rather have Hotel Dusk for the DS, when it comes to mystery type games.

How very interesting. I'd like to see a mystery/action adventure, putting you in the shoes of everyone's favourite Belgian as you sneak around (:ninjaSmilie, to the accompaniment of atmospheric music, trying to dicover 'whodunnit'. However, it's a license, which is always a bad sign, so I'll (yes) reserve judgement for now...

Screwing the rules since 1989.

Why make a new game when you can port an average 2 year old PC game to the Wii?

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Another reason for my Grandad to buy himself a Wii (after Wii Sports Boxing and Golf)

Here's what we can expect:

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Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Another reason my Mum would pick up the Wiimote.

It doesn'T matter, that we get an old PC-port. It does matter, that we got a point'n'click after all!
But I do hope it's good quality. I personally do not think I will buy this, because the PC-original didn't catch my interest, but Vampyre Story will! I will not get this on PC, I will get this on Wii! Count on it!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Oh fuck no, I had enough Agatha Christie's rehashed crap!

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