[url=http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AuRCpdQEY3q053gED2mg9nnpy6IX?qid=20070313164124AARQoId][u]Yahoo Answers, Miyamoto asks..[/u][/url]" /> News: Nintendo News | Miyamoto Asks: What Does Nintendo Mean to You? Page 1 - Cubed3

Nintendo News | Miyamoto Asks: What Does Nintendo Mean to You?

By Slydevil 16.03.2007 8

Quick News - Yahoo Answers, a website which allows people to pose questions to the internet, has attracted the attention of Shigsy himself. He asks; "How old were you when you first heard the term, "Nintendo," and what does the name mean to you now?" Follow the link to share your own experience, or alternatively share them with us.

  • Yahoo Answers, Miyamoto asks..

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    Not this:

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    But the dude on the left has such great nipples......

    why am I in such a strange mood......

    ( Edited on 16.03.2007 23:56 by Amazingjanet )

    Those crazy Europeans...wait...Smilie

    ooooo..sexy. That picture might have just persuaded me to get a DSlite.

    I can't remember when I first heard of Nintendo. Back in 1809 maybe?

    ( Edited on 17.03.2007 00:18 by IfritXVII )

    Fun. Simple as that.

    When I hear the name, I think of the characters. Mario, Donkey Kong, Link, Fox, Kirby, and the most recent; Olimar.

    Blocks containing coins, weird, pastel coloured mountains, size altering mushrooms (Mario), eerie, lonely planets (Samus), giant, space battles involving animals! (Fox), and sunsetty jungles, fast-paced mine cart rides, and crazy reptillian pirates (Donkey Kong).

    That's what it means to me.Smilie

    ( Edited on 17.03.2007 00:59 by Eblel )

    "Nintendo" means to me a lot!
    Back in 1994, when I was 3, my brothers used to play Super Mario World in the SNES. They told me I couldn't play because I was a kid, and I was going to destroy the poor SNES...
    To cut the story short, when they were on school, I spended lot of time on playing...
    After that, Nintendo have never failed me when it comes to fun, throw parties and sort of thing Smilie

    Udkedae Everywhere! | PSN: Udkedae

    God this is stupid


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