Nintendo News | GDC 07: Nintendo Working On Face Creation Game?

By Slydevil 08.03.2007 6

During Shigeru Miyamoto's Keynote at the Game Developers Conference, Mr. Miyamoto touched upon a program he created for the NES that could be used to animate faces, and it being halted.

Consequently, he explained that years later Mr. Iwata approached him, telling him they had a team working on a 'face creation' game for DS. Miyamoto told how he was frustrated he hadn't managed to do it himself.

We're unsure quite what this means as of yet, as no further details are available. An expansion of the Mii channel for the DS? Perhaps.

Be sure to check out our live coverage of the event in question, here.

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We're unsure quite what this means as of yet, as no further details are available. An expansion of the Mii channel for the DS? Perhaps.

yeah thats what i was thinking aswell!!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

When you have nothing to report, rampant speculation and rumour reporting FTW!

you can read the Interviews 'Iwata asks' - for example on - there somewhere they explained, they where working on this game for DS when they discovered it would be great for Mii-channel. Miyamoto saw it, went frustrated and showed them what he had done years past. They eventually abandoned the DS-game, but this face creation tool went to be part of the Mii-channel.
That's what I heard.

I do not have anything against a new DS-game like this, but I think they abandoned it in favour for Mii-creating-editor. That's what i thought came out in the keynote, too. But maybe I misheard it.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

I thought it just ment he was working on a face creation program ages ago but continually got shelved then some other team made one and Shigsy got all pissed at his team for not getting it done first. The Mii channel is the face creation program isn't it?

Blade2t3 said:
I thought it just ment he was working on a face creation program ages ago but continually got shelved then some other team made one and Shigsy got all pissed at his team for not getting it done first. The Mii channel is the face creation program isnt it?

I just watched the whole event this morning and yes, the Mii creator is the finalized version of this project.

Yeah, looks like it. It came up as the info coming through was a bit vague. Never know though Smilie

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

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