News | Mario 128

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.06.2003 1

Mario 128
128 reasons and a no show.

The latest edition of "Nintendo Dream" discussed the reason why Nintendo decided not to show their highly anticipated game, "Mario 128" at this year's exceedingly reputable gaming event, E3.

"It will include new ideas not used in the gaming industry and we did not want them copied"

Something along that tone was hinted by Nintendo in their interview by the magazine, and hopefully the innovations shown in the sequel will be a balanced mix of linear and adventure escapades.

The game is currently in total development from Nintendo, considering the mixed reaction to the first GameCube adventure, Mario Sunshine. It seemed that many players felt that although there were some new ideas, the general Mario linear feeling had been lost, and the somewhat bizarre locations weren't part of the plumber's typical outing. However, it did have some sucessful elements, and it seems that the developers want to reintoduce the key elements of classic Mario games into the sequel to once again add some innovation to a long running series.

Shigeru Miyamoto also declared that Mario 128 will be available before the end of the year to Japan, which would most likely reach European shores sometime during spring of next year.

Also were some details of Nintendo's sucessor to the GameCube, dubbed, "Nintendo next". The company are in talks with japanese developers to inspire them with some key new features to once again try and dominate the home console industry as they did so may years ago.

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