Nintendo News | Sharper Scars on Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.03.2007 12

Quick News: Radical Entertainment's Geoff Thomas was recently asked on how Scarface for Wii would improve visually. GoNintendo notes that improvements have taken place graphically. "In many ways Scarface looks sharper on the Wii than it does on the PS2 and Xbox."

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"In many ways Scarface looks sharper on the Wii than it does on the PS2 and Xbox."

Well it should, shouldn't it?

Z said:
In many ways Scarface looks sharper on the Wii than it does on the PS2 and Xbox.Well it should, shouldnt it?

Not really, I fail to see how it could be sharper than the Xbox version of the game or even, maybe PS2. I doubt there are any graphics upgrades in there.

Well Wii is supposed to be more powerful.

Ati's onboard card can produce some neat little effects that the Xbox cannot do, this was also the case with the GC it was very adept at producing effects such as fire etc. LS

*say ello tomi liddle Wii*

( Edited on 03.03.2007 10:42 by Linkyshinks )

Yes, but remember quite a few Wii ports have just had tacked on controls, it's good to see some visual refinements going on..

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

And those very titles i hope will fall by the wayside, and when they do such lame developers should get the message, that we want fully realised controls schemes that add to imersion, not detract from it. LS

I would think that Wii tiles would generally be SHARPER than PS2 and Xbox all the time...

Damn you lazy developers.

To prove that there won't be any difference, take a gander at these.

Without looking on the rest of the net, I bet you can't tell me which screenshot is from which platform. Simply because you can't as it's just a port, nothing else.

Screenshot 1

Image for

Screenshot 2

Image for

See a difference? I thought not.

To be fair screenshots wont show up any extra graphical touches they may have included. LS

"The Wii has a lot of horsepower under the hood and we're making full use of it.

"We've overhauled our graphics engine to get the most out of the console by updating all of the shaders responsible for rendering the environment, vehicle, and characters. In many ways Scarface looks sharper on the Wii than it does on the PS2 and Xbox."

The GameCube could produce sharper graphics than the Xbox.....

Wii = 2 - 3 times more powerful than GC as stated by Nintendo.

Why all the BS about graphics from these companies?

First, these shots are not comparable. You have to show us 2 identical scenes on the two said consoles. Not 2 different scenes.

Second: To have more horsepower does not mean to have better graphics. GC was far superiour thatn PS2 and XBox, but with almost no excluxive engines on GC, taking advantage of the machine, there were no miracles. Period. Even RE4 looked good, but not excellent. Watch the port on PS2 - this one was almost(?) as good as GC-port.
But it is there: You can give us more on Wii. PS2 has so small a texture-RAM, that Wii can easily have more and sharper textures. You can advance polygon-count on Wii and so on. But you have to write an engine for Wii/GC, since all the benefits of this hardware were swallowed by engines good for PS2, Xbox and CG alike. There where almost no tweaks done for GC. Check PS2. This rubbish piece of hardware (how old is PS2? You see?) has excellently been wizarded and tweaked. Just look at Final Fantasy 12! So I demand that on Wii also! You hear me, developers? Give me Twilight Princess x3. It is possible (since TP is a GC-title).

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

jb said:
Yes, but remember quite a few Wii ports have just had tacked on controls, its good to see some visual refinements going on..

It's probably not that big...

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