Nintendo Rumour | EA Rhythm Game in the Works for Wii?

By Slydevil 25.02.2007 23

Quick News - Random Nintendo has got word that a new rhythm game is in development exclusively for Wii. The title is said to make use of a '1970's vibe', and unlike Dance Dance Revolution, will not involve the use of a dancemat. More support from a long line of games being delivered by EA, though we'll treat this as a rumour for now.

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Sounds right up my street.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

EA definitely have changed for the better. This is the kind of game I was thinking about for the Wii, rhythem.

Isn't the new DDR game supposed to mix a dancemat with the controller movement? That's the ultimate dancing game. Smilie

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Is my thinking along the lines of Wario Ware's Miny Wario boss stage correct? I loved that XD

Keytar Hero.

Guitar Hero's 70's themed rip off.

Has EA confirmed this though!?!? anyway sounds interesting!!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

This could only be abysmal, right? Smilie

dojo said:
This could only be abysmal, right? Smilie
On the contrary. It's EA, they're greater than or equal to DECENT.

Unlike Ubisoft, which are less than or equal to shit

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70's you say? They NEED to put in the Carlton Dance!

MSN: [email protected]
Xbox Live Gamertag: Steve Vice
Nintendo Wii Friend Code: 0662 4893 5734 8819

Steve Vice said:
70s you say? They NEED to put in the Carlton Dance!
What are you talking about? That's the most modern aged dance I've ever seen! Smilie

It's mesmorising. Smilie

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Keytar Hero please. Keytars FTW

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Sounds cool, EA's support has really surprised me.

SuperLink said:
dojo said:This could only be abysmal, right? Smilie
On the contrary. Its EA, theyre greater than or equal to DECENT.Unlike Ubisoft, which are less than or equal to shit

My centements exactly, Ubisoft have drawn themselves into a petty battle with EA and it has been to the detrement of their Wii games (dire, barr a few).

Ubisoft have taken the severe piss which is why i once posted all 30+ bugs found in Red Steel on Ngamer forum to the disgust of all those that bought it Smilie

Some of the bugs contained some truly great comedy moments, if you wish to see some of them- (bottom of post)

It must be unprecendented for a developers of this calibre to produce such muck.

Ubisoft have no excuse at all for the direness that is RS, they were in fact the first developer to sign up for the Wii, they had ample time after E3 to work on the fundamental flaws that many games journo's had pointed out to them after playing the demo's, but despite this the french team remained arrogant lol.

In RS what you got was a FPS where when you turn you have time to take in the beautiful vista's while your being shot at lol, terrible voice acting and a warped depiction of Yakuza culture, take no offense french readers but the truth is you have a hard time understanding english culture let alone japanese culture, the title should have gone to their Shanghai office who produced Chaos Theory. LS

There are loads more than those here: + comedy

The french team are doing the sequel if rumours about them advertising for a position on the games development team are correct.Smilie

( Edited on 25.02.2007 22:08 by Linkyshinks )

Grumbler said:
Sounds right up my street.


It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Grumbler said:
Grumbler said:Sounds right up my street.
Random enough Grumbles?

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Could be decent, I hope the wii gets a rhythm game from inis though.

EA + 70s theme = licensed soundtrack = complete shite.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Holy crap I'm psyched for this game.


Grumbler said:
EA + 70s theme = licensed soundtrack = complete shite.

OMGosh! I agree!...! Smilie

Grumbler said:
EA + 70s theme = licensed soundtrack = complete shite.
Hey hey hey.

At least it's not a mainstream 21st century soundtrack. Smilie

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At least it's not a mainstream 21st century soundtrack.


SuperLink said:
Grumbler said:EA + 70s theme = licensed soundtrack = complete shite.
Hey hey hey.At least its not a mainstream 21st century soundtrack. Smilie

To be honest, the only thing that could be better than a 70's themed licensed soundtrack would be an 80's themed licensed soundtrack..
Those two decades had the greatest music.

MSN: [email protected]
Xbox Live Gamertag: Steve Vice
Nintendo Wii Friend Code: 0662 4893 5734 8819

Why notSmilie

There was some pretty good music in the 90s too Smilie

SPICE GIRLS!! *Hides* Smilie

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