Nintendo Media | The Godfather: Blackhand Edition Screens

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.02.2007 13

EA has released yet more screens from the upcoming Godfather: Blackhand Edition, bringing mobster action to Nintendo's Wii. Blackhand Edition uses the Wii remote and nunchuck in conjunction as an extension of the players hand to control characters in an immersive 3D world.

For additional shots, be sure to check out the mobster filled screens album below.

Box art for The Godfather








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So it's just a PS2 port.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Grumbler said:
So its just a PS2 port.

PSP SmilieSmilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Looks almost as good as Shenmue.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I don't mind PS2 ports as long as they're:

a. well done ports (including bug fixes from previous versions);

b. they have a good helping of additional contents, especially when we get the game six months to a year later (i.e. unlike the GC Splinter Cell games which had no additions except for some throw away connectivity functions in addition to the removal of online modes) - note RE4 on PS2, that's how you make up for later ports;

c. it isn't a port of a lousy game to begin with (I'll take a port of MGS2 and 3 over a new game like Elebits - sorry Elebits fans, seeing the stark contrast of having Elebits for Wii vs. MGS4 for the PS3 as Konami's first game for each system doesn't bode well for their so-called support on the Wii if the Cube is anything to go by).

I'm going to consider getting this, the control system looks quite decent.

Grumbler said:
So its just a PS2 port.

That's exactly what this is not, it has new levels and missions and new features that were not available in the earlier versions, the Don's edition is also slightly different. LS

Linkyshinks said:
Grumbler said:So its just a PS2 port.
Thats exactly what this is not, it has new levels and missions and new features that were not available in the earlier versions, the Dons edition is also slightly different. LS

He's talking graphically, not content wise.

I think...

( Edited on 23.02.2007 07:18 by dojo99 )

Actually I believe EA said that the graphics are scaled down versions of the PS3 build.

So the graphics though, they're better than servicable, it's the controls I'm interested in. They sound great.

Now all I want is Sega to take those ideas and make a new Streets of Rage game!!!

Is it just me that's sick of mission-based open 3D environment games and hankers after an action packed linear arcade brawler?

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

Dr_R said:
Actually I believe EA said that the graphics are scaled down versions of the PS3 build.So the graphics though, theyre better than servicable, its the controls Im interested in. They sound great. Now all I want is Sega to take those ideas and make a new Streets of Rage game!!!Is it just me thats sick of mission-based open 3D environment games and hankers after an action packed linear arcade brawler?

I agree lol, this game will be all about the cool controls, like bottle smashing on innocents heads and shooting pedestrian people in the face. with the remote. LS Smilie

( Edited on 23.02.2007 08:24 by Linkyshinks )

Fuck those screenshots are gooood!Smilie

My Life & blog: Random Thoughts, Photos, stuff, videos and links

Anybody saw the new screenshots of Medal of Honour Vanguard on the Wii, now they are truely piggin.

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This screenshot is actually from Pathologic...

Image for

I'm shocked...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

That looks so bad...

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