Nintendo News | Chewing Gum & Wii the Perfect Combination?

By Adam Riley 21.02.2007 23

In what may come as a surprise, chewing gum maker Wrigley has made a move into Wii territory with some new games. The company has now brought its long-standing Candystand mini-games to the Wii's Internet Channel, optimising them for use with the Wii controller via the Opera Browser. The series of games originally launched in 1997, with examples including Altoids Sheep and The Great Flying Mintini, but now Wrigley's Scott Tannen, Director of Global Digital Marketing believes that the games, which attract between four and five million people per month, is perfectly suited to the Wii market, since no other branded site (other than porn websites and Cubed3...) has taken such a route.

With a boost in online Wii activity since the browser launched, it definitely seems like a wise idea and hopefully other sites will follow suit in the near future. Check out the site by clicking here.

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Awww, I thought you were going to say that chewing gum would help with playing wii Smilie

Guest 21.02.2007#2

Confirmed: Red Steel controls actually great fun while chewing gum!


Which porn websites?

Guest 21.02.2007#4

Well, I'm sure exists, it's just a matter of time.

mijmorgs said:
Awww, I thought you were going to say that chewing gum would help with playing wii Smilie

You weren't the only one.

Bart. said:
Well, Im sure exists, its just a matter of time.

Midget porn Smilie

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Very clever, from a business perspective anyway. Wise move.

When I read the title about chewing gum I thought that someone had come up with some sort of chewing divice... blowing the biggest bubble or chewing the most..etc. lol. but I get it now. that would just be weird.

dojo... why do ya wanna no which porn websites? eh?


Yeah Dojo i thought you were a Christian, tut tut.

Christians don't look a porn. Smilie You naughty boy.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."
Guest 21.02.2007#8

Hulkamania said:
Yeah Dojo i thought you were a Christian, tut tut.Christians dont look a porn. Smilie You naughty boy.

I think it's more to do with her being his grilfriend?

Bart. said:
Hulkamania said:Yeah Dojo i thought you were a Christian, tut tut.Christians dont look a porn. Smilie You naughty boy.
I think its more to do with her being his grilfriend?

Hulkamania completely pwned then, didn't know that Smilie

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

I use to go to that site everyday... it has some awsome games! My brother is constantly on it... so this is good news!

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Hulkamania said:
Bart. said:
Hulkamania said:Yeah Dojo i thought you were a Christian, tut tut.Christians dont look a porn. Smilie You naughty boy.
I think its more to do with her being his grilfriend?
Hulkamania completely pwned then, didnt know that Smilie

No I didnt know I was his GRILFRIEND either. News to me.


Bart. said:
Hulkamania said:Yeah Dojo i thought you were a Christian, tut tut.Christians dont look a porn. Smilie You naughty boy.
I think its more to do with her being his grilfriend?

You assume that the two open Christians on the site are going out? Smilie

Hi Sexy!!! said:
I use to go to that site everyday... it has some awsome games! My brother is constantly on it... so this is good news!

I remember going on this when it was "Computer Technology" lessons in primary school. It sounded good then Smilie

Guest 21.02.2007#13

dojo99 said:
Bart. said:
Hulkamania said:Yeah Dojo i thought you were a Christian, tut tut.Christians dont look a porn. Smilie You naughty boy.
I think its more to do with her being his grilfriend?
You assume that the two open Christians on the site are going out? Smilie
Hi Sexy!!! said:I use to go to that site everyday... it has some awsome games! My brother is constantly on it... so this is good news!
I remember going on this when it was Computer Technology lessons in primary school. It sounded good then Smilie

Nope, just thought I read that somewhere on the forum.



Has anyone been on it yet? I don't have my Wii connected to the net, but does anyone else? Impressions?

All of the above said:
Hulkamania said:
Bart. said:
Hulkamania said:Yeah Dojo i thought you were a Christian, tut tut.Christians dont look a porn. Smilie You naughty boy.
I think its more to do with her being his grilfriend?
Hulkamania completely pwned then, didnt know that Smilie
No I didnt know I was his GRILFRIEND either. News to me.

You're not his grilfriend nor his girlfriend, so stop dreaming/hoping/whateverrrr...>.<

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

thats funny becuase A. We didnt ask for your opionion
B. How do you know we are not going to? I no him better than you.
C. Stop going on like im your girlfriend and like u own me
Thanks Smilie

( Edited on 21.02.2007 17:16 by All of the above )


All of the above said:
thats funny becuase A. We didnt ask for your opionionB. How do you know we are not going to? I no him better than you.C. Stop going on like im your girlfriend and like u own me Thanks Smilie( Edited on 21.02.2007 17:16 by All of the above )

May I have a big WTF here?

A-It's a forum, I'm allowed to give my opinion on the matters at hand.
B-How do you actually know you know him better? Same way you know 'God' exists? In this case it's probably true, big chance you know him better, but don't state it as if it is n absolute truth, because you can never be certain.
C-I'm not even going there, seeing that's a pretty retarded statement to make, based on:

You're not his grilfriend nor his girlfriend, so stop dreaming/hoping/whateverrrr...>.<

That's just annoyance over your 'faith' in you and Dojo ending up together someday.

Now let's keep it to PMs after this, might be betterSmilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

So the Hulk' wasn't wrong............ i knew it. :cooldude:

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

dojo99 said:
ON TOPIC...Has anyone been on it yet? I dont have my Wii connected to the net, but does anyone else? Impressions?

That is a sad state of affairs, having your Wii connected is all half the fun for me, i recommend you find a way, you really are missing out, but then i guess you know that, and that very feeling will get worse by the summer. LS

* The Wii was always concieved from the very start as a always on, always connected console therefore it deserves to be.

Oh my, I'm trying to get impressions about this Wrigley thing, not the Wii's internet connection. Is it fun? Does it work?

wrigly's, why would i want wriglys when i have trident soft gum, believe it or not chewing gum makes it harder to play wiiSmilie

WiiCade ftw!!!

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