Nintendo DS News | Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan Sequel Confirmed

By Mike Mason 21.02.2007 18

Quick news: A sequel to Japanese DS rhythm game Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan (adapted for Western markets as Elite Beat Agents) has been confirmed by DenGeki, citing a 2007 release. The full title is Moero! Nekketsu Rhythm Damashii Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2, which we believe roughly translates to the slightly cumbersome Burn! Fervorous Spirit of Rhythm! Go! Fight! Cheer Squad 2.

Great news for the fans of the original - stick with C3 for more!

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Well this has got me hyped up, fantastic news this morning. The first one is absolutely amazing and easily one of the best games on DS, and to hear that we're getting a sequel this year...well, I can already imagine something that's probably going to end up in my top 5 for the year!

which we believe roughly translates to the slightly cumbersome Burn! Hot Blooded Fever! Fight! Cheer Squad 2.


I've altered that a bit now to what I think is a more accurate translation, it's actually even more awkward I think...

Either way, I don't care. More Ouendan can be NOTHING but a good thing!

OMG this came out of the blue, first day import for me Smilie

{ Monkey Wii. ~ Nirbis Hater ~ Nintendo Fanboy }

the first game was awesome

the first game was awesome

Guest 21.02.2007#7

Might import this some time, I've only heard good things about it.

Gitaroo Man 2 after plz

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I hope they give Europe a decent song list this time.

Great news, i am sure the 300k units sold in America in one month, had nothing to do with it having a sequel. Nintendo you money whores, still you got to give the people what they want.

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this is awsome news! the first game was awsome! Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

I need to get the first one, everyone seems to love it. I can't find it for less than 40

My wife loves Elite Beat Agents (what they released the sequel as in the US).

She's not much of a gamer overall, but she enjoys a lot of the Rhythm and Dancing games (and an occasional Adventure game like Phoenix Wright or Trace Memory).

I tried this one out too, and it's quite fun (much more so than, say, least for those of us that have some rhythm, but can't really dance Smilie.

Mongo Smilie

I just hope that this time they release the translated Japanese version on European shores as opposed to the Yankified game.

Brilliant quote from NGamer about Elite Beat Agents (may be paraphrased): "(This game) is as American as invading an apple pie without an exit strategy." Smilie

Screwing the rules since 1989.

Ah!! That means Elite Beat Agents 2!! Sequel to one of my favorite games of all time!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

F ing briliant, i will get a copy no question, i feel spoiled as a Nintendo fan when we get titles of the calibre coming our way.

I agree with Balladeers point about regionalization, hopefully they will have got the same feed back and have now realized that we in the west actually prefer the original version state as opposed to the americanified stripped of charm version. LS

Linkyshinks said:
F ing briliant, i will get a copy no question, i feel spoiled as a Nintendo fan when we get titles of the calibre coming our way. I agree with Balladeers point about regionalization, hopefully they will have got the same feed back and have now realized that we in the west actually prefer the original version state as opposed to the americanified stripped of charm version. LS

I like the Americanized versionSmilie

I've not even played the first one yet. I'm not really into all of this importing malarkey, although I did think about getting Band Brothers for the DS a few months ago. The only game I've ever imported on my own is Animal Crossing for the GC - and that was from Australia...

Expect a Euro review of the first EBA some time soon anyway...Smilie

( Edited on 22.02.2007 07:54 by dojo99 )

I'm guilty of not getting the first Tatakae too. And that game was my reason for buying a DS!
Eh, still I only just bought Final Fantasy Tactics Advance I wanted that since release too...

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